Fears (Comfort/Fluff)

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(Quick A/N here. Recently I've had a rough time reordering my thoughts. I've had tough nights where I cry for no good reason, the stress of everything becoming unbearable. People often ask me how I manage to be so involved in things(school, hobbies, chores, studying, band, choir, after school clubs, art, helping out, videogames, etc.) and I never realized it was just a lot of peer pressure.

I hope this story makes at least one person take a moment to breathe, just like I wish I had sooner. Life is important. Nothing can make you want to take it away. And I've learned that. Please never be afraid. I was afraid of therapy or bothering others with my problems, but it helps. Even if it's just a vague "I don't feel very well", it helps a bit. So please, readers, look after yourselves too. Thank you so much. I hope you like this one)


You smiled, cozily snuggled into Shoto's arms. It was already late, probably 2 in the morning, but you both just couldn't stop talking. Shoto smiled at you, placing yet another quick kiss on your cheek. "I guess Natsuo must've been really angry" you replied, concerning his last comment ((aye manga references)) He looked down at you, hoping to get his thoughts lost in those (E/C) eyes of yours. You softly ran a hand through his hair, watching it softly fall back with the tons of locks of his. Shoto frowned, speaking up again

"Hey (Y/N).." he whispered, about to ask something "Yes love?" You replied softly, looking up with tired expression. He smiled, almost chuckling at your adorableness "What's your biggest fear?" You looked up at him, leaving his hair alone now. You felt your heart thump as the question rang inside your head, almost yelling to let the emotions flood out. You looked to the side, distracting yourself with what seemed like the soft moonlight coming in from the window

"I... I think I'm scared of many things. You know, the usual, spiders, heights, falling, feeling.. lonely.." you said, the last part taking up a little more courage in you. You could tell just by his expression that he wanted you to elaborate, and so with a hesitant breath you did. "I just.. sometimes get emotional... and over worry. I often wonder.. what would happen if I loose everyone..? If I loose my family, my friends and then.. you..?" Shoto could tell how much pain was beneath that frown of yours, not to mention how glossy and teary your eyes looked. "M-Maybe it sounds dumb.. but it's like.. I'm afraid everything will go away.. and that I'll have nothing left, except myself and my insecurities.." your voice grew softer as you spoke, a small tear escaping the side of your eyes. Shoto carefully cupped your face, gently wiping your tears with a soft smile. "You want to know what mine is?" He asked softly, looking down at your hand, softly intertwining his with yours. "W-What is it?" You asked curiously, doing your best to stop the crying. "Well if I'm being honest.. it's.. you"

You looked at him, blinking for a second to process what he had just said. "M-Me?!" You asked "How come?" He smiled, softly kissing your forehead "You have no idea how much you scare me (Y/N). That one day, you'll wake up, and see yourself just like I see you. Beautiful, no, gorgeous, breathtaking, kind, generous, amazing. It scares me everyday, that you'll find someone a hundred times better that truly deserves you. It scares me when I kiss you, or when I hug you, because I don't have much experience with all this. As for what you fear, I can only tell you one thing; (Y/N) I love you. With my whole heart. Even if you were to one day hate me, dispose of me, or just move on from me, there's no doubt in me that I wouldn't be able to get over you. Since day one you consumed my thoughts. There's just no going back now" he whispered, resting his nose against yours "Youre everything I'd ever need. Maybe you don't see yourself as perfect, but one things for sure. You're perfect for me. I would never leave you (Y/N). I'll always be there by your side. For anything you need" he smiled at you, softly kissing your cheek. The tears had flooded everywhere at this point, no more point keeping them in. You extended your arms, almost jumping into his arms while laying down. "I love you Shoto. I could never leave you. You say you're insecure about this whole relationship thing, but you're by far the best boyfriend, and I trust you'll be there. Maybe I can't find my worth today, but I'm glad you remind me almost everyday" You snuggled deep into your boyfriend's warmth, letting him whisper sweet nothings to your ear.

"Oh, it's almost 3 am. We should really sleep Sho" you commented, barely glancing at the clock near his bedside. "Right. Sorry" he whispered, realizing he was the one who kept you up until so late. "Goodnight Todork" you whispered, smiling just a bit as you yawned, already tired. "Goodnight my love" he whispered, the small, yet adorable smile Todoroki showed only to you appearing on his lips like usual.

It didn't take long for both of you to drift off to sleep, finding yourself in a bundle of comfort after such a deep talk like that. At least now you knew; that Shoto Todoroki, Number One boyfriend, would always be there for you.


(Did I proof read this? No. I'm too tired, so I beg your apologies in advance. Good night. It's currently 3 am here, and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night)

( oh right)

Extra ending:

You softly fluttered your eyes open, seeing the mismatched hairs in front of you with a grin. "Rise and shine sweetheart" you whispered, half teasing him. "Good morning (Y/N)" he grumbled, clearly regretting staying up so late now. "You're going to be late soon. Cmon we gotta go" you said, hurrying him. And so the day went on...

But little did you know..

That talk was everything you needed, and helped you appreciate life at its fullest meaning.

Just like they say, "Communication is the key in a relationship"

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