Blood Thirsty[Vampire!Au-Requested]

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(it isn't exactly what you asked for, but I can't seem to do some vampire x werewolf, so I'm hoping a simple Vampire x Human is good!! Note- I've been reading Twilight so this will probably be referenced to what I've read so far. Also I might do a vampirexwerewolf in the future, but for now this is the best I can do :">)

[3rd Person POV]

Shoto Todoroki.

He was known for having his own table to himself and his family, the Todorokis. He wad extremely well known for his remarkable good looks, though everyone knew he wasn't looking for a love life at all. In the small city of UA, ((yes I made it a city)) everyone knew the Todorokis. They were extremely gorgeous and looked like they could all make a teen magazine, but they lived in the small city of UA, making all those hopes fade away, only to be left with UA's constant (important-) rainy and cloudy weather. The sun was almost never out, meaning it was a rare day to spend time outside, but your friends thought otherwise.

You had recently moved back to UA, yourself. You moved in with your dad, hoping your mother would be ok without you back in Phoenix. So far, everything was so fine and pure, but something really important seemed to bother you... A lot.

It was Shoto Todoroki. He was always there.. In a non-creepy way. Just last week you were suddenly saved by what seemed like his good reflexes and survived a sudden car crash. He had obviously been watching.. And his sudden mood changes towards you were extremely confusing. It felt painful, to deal with it all.

It didn't take long for you to fall for his chuckles, his amazingly good looking features, the way he was so graceful and careful when he spoke towards you, and his smile as he teased you and your sudden flustered states

It was all heavenly, yet so painful.

It was clear to you that he kept things to himself, even after you asked him what was bothering him, or if you could do something to help out. It was all useless however, as he refused for you to come near him at times or completely avoid you and simply not go to school. It was frustrating, painful, and sick to your stomach.

That was, until the day you decided to confront him.


"Shoto?" You called, feeling your heart flutter as he swiftly turned around. "Yes, (Y/N)?" He asked, his voice ringing like music in your ears "I had a question.." You started, waiting for some sort of response. "Well ask away" He said, giving you the sign to proceed "Why do rather keep things to yourself at times?" You asked, still unsure whether it was the right choice to do so. "..Preference, I suppose" He answered rather quickly. You sighed, knowing you may never find out.

-end of flashback-

Of course, all that worrying was a waste of time, since the answer soon came to you. It was  early Fall, and the leaves were barely getting ready to fall, making a beautiful scenery. You walked to school with Shoto, holding your textbooks to your chest. "Why were you absent yesterday?" You asked the boy, to which he responded with a slight groan "You know I can't be out on the sun" He stated, clearly reminding you of his disadvantages "Even if its rare to have a Sunny day in UA, its still possible" He said, smirking now.

God how you loved that smirk.. You sighed, trying to hide your pleasantness. "Fine then, guess you're excused" He chuckled, clearly pleased. He intertwined his fingers with yours and lifted both hands up to his lips, barely touching. "Excused of being a Vampire?" He joked, gently kissing your hand after wards. "Its a consequence I have to deal with" you joked along, though he seemed hurt as you said this. "Do I... Scare you..?" He asked, clearly hurt. "Oh, Shoto.. I love everything about you, even your crazy Vampire stuff" You half joked, trying to reassure him. He didn't seem convinced, however, but kept your intertwined hands to his lips, barely touching them. "I... I'm sorry.." He whispered, making your face soften. "Shoto.." You started, though you couldnt finish because of his closeness, so close that you could feel his breathing near you. His lips were barely apart from yours, making you anxious and desperate. He smirked, noticing your actions "You know I'm supposed to be scary to you.. Right?" He whispered, definitely reminding you that he was a constant danger to anyone. "I don't care.. I won't leave you. I-I can't.." You protested, though he smiled "And why's that?" He asked playfully. You slightly blushed, but answered quickly "Because I love you far too much to simply leave you" You said, sincerity clear in your voice, he smiled, closing the gap in between the both of you and kissing you, making your heart flutter. You smiled, feeling his lips curl up in a smile as he kissed you tenderly.

You both pulled away after a short while, making you blush madly. He chuckled, clearly pleased of what he accomplished. You looked up to him, hoping he'd answer your statement "Of course I love you too. I love you so much I have to hold myself back from kissing you so often" He joked, running his fingers through your (H/C) hair.

You smiled, pecking his cheek. "If we don't hurry though, we're gonna be late" you reminded him, hoping he wouldnt be the reason you were late again. He chuckled, following alongside you as you walked.

Dating a Vampire might not be so bad...

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