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7:16 pm, Ruhan: Hi Rashmi.

7:18 pm, Ally: Have you got me confused with someone else again?

7:19 pm, Ruhan: uh, I meant Kritika.

7:20 pm, Ally: How many girls give you fake numbers, dude?

7:22 pm, Ruhan: Fatima? Georgie? Prerana?

7:25 pm, Ally:... You're just listing out names of girls who have fourth period biology with me...

7:25 pm, Ruhan: ....

7:27 pm, Ally:Ruhan Das, haven't you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?

7:27 pm, Ruhan: well taking in to consideration the fact that you are a teenage girl between the ages 16-18, I am willing to take my chances.

7:29 pm, Ally: is that a sexist comment I spot there?

7:30 pm, Ruhan: no. It's just that it'll take a lot more than an adolescent female to scare off this hunk.

7:32 pm, Ally: HUNK? are we still talking about the same person? XD

7:33 pm, Ruhan: Ha ha so funny. Regardless of who you are, you definitely must've noticed I've buffed up over the summer.

7:35 pm, Ally: yes, because the whole of the female population of Columbia Public School come to school not for education, but to bask in the glory of your rock hard pectoral muscles.

7:39 pm, Ruhan: so you HAVE been noticing me ;)

7:40 pm, Ally: shut up.


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