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After a few minutes Ruhan began to get impatient. He'd rung Alankrita's doorbell four times already with no avail. And he knew she was inside because he could hear her - Banging about and yelling indiscreetly, accompanied by some barks and yelps. Suddenly, the front door swung open. Ruhan almost jumped out of his skin.

Alankrita was filthy. Her hair was stringy and wet, her T-shirt had what looked like mud tracks on the front and she was covered in dirt. "Come in,"she ordered breathlessly, and Ruhan did, all the while staring at her with eyes as wide as saucers.

He had just made it across foyer when he was knocked off his feet by a large wet muddy mass. "ARCHIMEDES STOP THIS INSTANT!"Alankrita bellowed at the speeding mountain of mud. Ruhan tried to get up but he hardly got on his knees before he was pinned to the floor by a smaller mass of mud, which began to furiously lick his face. "Back! No! Bad dog!"He spluttered, as he was assaulted by a series of canine kisses. Soon Alankrita was at his side, wresting with the muddy pup, which Ruhan deciphered to be a very fat beagle.

"No...get...off...him!"Alankrita grunted with effort, and she managed to get the excessively affectionate pup away from Ruhan. He sat up and stared at Alankrita, who was struggling with the wriggling mass of fur, "Where did this come from?"He asked, visibly horrified by the dog. Alankrita shot him a look and said, "They're my dogs, genius. They live here. You just haven't seen them because they usually hang out in their room."

"They have their own room?" Ruhan asked, wide eyed.

"Well, it's my brother's old room. But, yeah. Look, can you help me here?"Alankrita stood up and began to trudge up the stairs, and when she was halfway up she turned and said, "Well?"

Ruhan, who had been dumbly admiring the intricate designs on the floor carpets, got to his feet and Alankrita instructed him to open the door just in front of the first floor landing. He did as told, and when he saw the room the door led to, something clicked in his confused head.


Alankrita pushed past him and plopped the dog into the tub, which was filled with water. The water splashed onto the tile floor, and the dog started to shake itself dry. Alankrita shouted, "Ruhan, hold him for me, will you?"Ruhan, who was gaping at the scenario in front of him with a dazed look so far, jumped into action and wrapped his arms around the dog, replacing Alankrita's. Then, without saying a word, Alankrita ran out.

"Alankrita! What-ALANKRITA!"Ruhan called after her, but there was no response. He shot the dog a seething look. "You ruined my shirt,"he said, "I really liked that shirt."The muddy beagle just looked at Ruhan with his big brown eyes pleading for release.

Just then, Ruhan heard Alankrita scream, "Ruhan, move!" and leaned to the side just in time to avoid being steamrollered by a filthy Labrador. Unfortunately, when aforementioned Labrador jumped into the tub, he sent forth a huge wave of water, effectively dousing him. Alankrita stepped into the room and shut the door, a click indicating she'd locked it. "Archimedes, don't you dare try getting out of the tub."Alankrita said, to which Ruhan said, "Yeah, we don't want him to a have eureka moment, now do we?"
Alankrita chuckled and wiped her forehead with her hand, smearing it with dirt. Ruhan wondered if he should point it out.

Alankrita knelt down next to him and said, "Ruhan, I don't think we can study today. My parents are supposed to take these two to the vet tonight and I've got to get them cleaned up. "

Ruhan shrugged. "Hey I'm fine with the no studying bit, but do your dogs get this filthy all the time?"

"No, is just that my neighbour's flower bed was freshly plucked and watered,"Alankrita said and gave no further explanation, as if what she'd said was all that needed to be. He nodded absently and asked, "Where ARE your parents? I've kind of gotten used to the idea that your mother was a figment of my imagination because, well, after that one time she never seems to be around. Like, ever."Alankrita rolled her eyes which made Ruhan feel funny inside, and said, "They're not home because they're out saving people's lives."

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