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Alankrita was halfway into a dream in which she was a neurosurgeon who had made international news by proving that walnuts were in fact cerebral matter of plants when a loud and annoyingly long 'beeeeeeep' woke her up. She blinked several times before pulling her phone out from under her pillow, and was assaulted by the screen of her phone, which had apparently been set to the brightness "A POWER OF A THOUSAND SUNS". Dimming the brightness to its minimum setting (which still hurt her traumatized light receptors), she squinted to make out the notification that was blinking in the middle of her lock screen.

'One unread message from Ruhan'

"What?" she mumbled, confused, and looked at the time displayed above the message.

1:08 am

"What the hell?" she whispered hoarsely, and making a mental note to put her phone on silent at night, clicked on the message. She was surprised to see that it simply bore the message 'I have a feeling you might like this' followed by a link. Thinking it must have been pretty important if he needed her to see this in the middle of the night, she clicked on it. It didn't lead to a website, or even a webpage- it led to an image, and a comic strip by the looks of it. "Oh well, I read manga anyway, this might be pretty interesting," she thought. If only she had known how wrong she was.


1:46 am, Ally:OH MY GOD RUHAN
1:48 am, Ally: I HATE YOU SO MUCH

1:48 am, Ruhan: Read the Boncheong-dong Ghost comic I sent you, huh?

1:48 am, Ally: GEE YA THINK

1:48 am, Ruhan: I couldn't sleep, so I figured it was only fair if you didn't.

1:50 am, Ally:HOW on earth is that considered fair? Anyway, you owe me a good night's sleep. Do you know how much time it took for me to muster up enough courage to stick my hand out of my blanket to turn my light on? NO YOU DON'T BECAUSE I AM TOO SCARED TO STICK MY HAND OUT AND I'M MESSAGING YOU FROM UNDER MY DUVET

1:51 am, Ruhan: Hahaha someday you are going to look back on this and laugh

1:52 am, Ally:But today
1:52 am, Ally: Today is not that day

1:53 am, Ruhan: Allow me to refer you to the time I told you I do not feel threatened by an adolescent teenage girl.

1:54 am, Ally:oh ho ho, don't get ahead of yourself now, this 'adolescent teenage girl' just happens to be equipped with superior knowledge of tae kwon do.

1:55 am, Ruhan: how superior can your knowledge truly be, o Adolescent Teenage Girl, if you are what you are?

1:56 am, Ally: I spy with my little eye a sexist comment, you toad -_-

1:59 am, Ruhan: God you're so cute when you go all defensive on me <3

2:01 am, Ally: shaddup

2:02 am, Ruhan:no you shaddup.

2:02 am, Ally: no you shaddup

2:05 am, Ruhan: no YOU shaddup

2:05 am, Ally: this is becoming borderline cheesy
2:09 am, Ally: srsly though, shaddup


(A/N) The aforementioned comic is A Korean Horror Comic, not meant for the faint hearted

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