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3:34 pm, Ruhan: I HATE VILOCHANA MA'AM

3:38 pm, Crazy Stalker: What happened?

3:39 pm, Ruhan: so you know that group project in Physics for this semester counts for like 10% of our grade, right? And Vilochana Ma'am said if I have even the slightest chance of passing in the next test I'm going to have to up my game. So she's not letting Shubhan partner with me
3:39 pm, Ruhan: and u know who my new partner is?????????Alankrita freaking Sundar.
3:41 pm, Ruhan: Crazy Stalker, hello?

3:42 pm, Crazy Stalker: what's wrong with Alankrita Sundar?

3:43 pm, Ruhan: She's an annoying goodie 2 shoes. And stuck up. And a nerd. She's just weird idk. I can't partner up with her for a month. I'd die.

3:47 pm, Crazy Stalker: oh

3:48 pm, Ruhan: what?

3:48 pm, Crazy Stalker: I have nothing to say.

3:51 pm, Ruhan: wait, is Alankrita your friend??

3:51 pm, Crazy Stalker: how does it matter? its not like you're going to think differently about her if she was.

3:51 pm, Ruhan: it might make me want to get to know her for real. I mean, if you like her then she can't be all that bad, right?

3:55 pm, Crazy Stalker: I would actually believe that if u weren't doing it just to impress me.

3:55 pm, Ruhan: I'm sorry if I was being mean.


4:08 pm, Ruhan: ey hello please answer


4:13 pm, Ruhan: will it help if I stopped calling you Crazy Stalker?


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