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6:45 pm, Ruhan: I got 8/10
6:45 pm, Ruhan: 8/10

6:49 pm, Crazy Stalker: Ayyy I'm so proud my little scholar.

6:49 pm, Ruhan: Speaking of scholar, Alankrita got full marks

6:50 pm, Crazy Stalker: Ushoo

6:50 pm, Ruhan: Yeah she's really smart

6:51 pm, Crazy Stalker: true

6:51 pm, Ruhan: I really want her number but she won't give it to me

6:51 pm, Crazy Stalker: I've got her number

6:52 pm, Ruhan: whAT
6:53 pm, Ruhan: you've had her number all this while and you never bothered to tell me?
6:53 pm, Ruhan: bITCH
6:54 pm, Ruhan: can you tell me
6:56 pm, Ruhan: ok fine ur not a total bitch pls give me her number

When he didn't get a reply for a while, he began to get nervous. What is Crazy Stalker thought he was some kind of, um, crazy stalker?

7:03 pm, Crazy Stalker: giving you her number would be a breach of trust. Why don't you just add her on Facebook?

7:04 pm, Ruhan: how do you know this omg

7:04 pm, Crazy Stalker: I literally know everything. Like, nobody has to tell me, I just KNOW

He rolled his eyes at his phone whilst simultaneously opening the Facebook application. He typed in Alankrita's name in the search box and her name popped up fairly quickly as he noticed they had about a bazillion mutual friends. He sent her a friend request and waited, staring at her profile page mentally willing her to accept it. He decided to scroll through his timeline to kill time, and was reading a post about an English-speaking Siberian husky when his phone gave a short 'ding'. Alankrita had accepted his request. Realizing she must be active, he decided to send her a message.

Ruhan Das: Hey :)

Alankrita Sundar: hola

Ruhan Das:I just came to know you were on Facebook :)

'Goddamit Ruhan, cool it with the emojis'

Alankrita Sundar: what's the occasion?

'Just get to the point, Ruhan. No use beating around the bush.'

Ruhan Das:U know how I got good marks this time right?

Alankrita Sundar:Yes because I am a miracle worker

Oh my god, does she think I'm a delinquent? She does, doesn't she? Crap.

Ruhan Das: I was thinking
Ruhan Das: If I don't practice at all my grades will drop in the finals. So I'll need help till then right?

Alankrita Sundar: Right.

Ruhan Das: So you're saying you are going to help me?

Alankrita Sundar: no I'm saying you need help. Professional help.

Ruhan Das: You are an idiot.

Alankrita Sundar: Yeah, I'll help. But don't think that just because I'm not a professional tutor I'm going to let you slack off, okay? I need to study too and if you insist on being a dunce and hinder my own education I will be really mad at you

Ruhan Das: wow I am looking forward to this more and more
Ruhan Das: soooooooo next Thursday? I'll come after school gets over.

Alankrita Sundar: Okay.
Alankrita Sundar: I should also mention that you should give up any hopes of binge eating Maggi at my house - my mother saw me eating it this morning and gave me an hour long lecture about the dangers of eating processed foods.


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