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2:09 pm, Ruhan: bonjour mademoiselle

2:11 pm, Ally: bonjour? In French, I presume?

2:11 pm, Ruhan: oui

2:13 pm, Ally: texting in class... I'm sensing a bit of a bad boy vibe here...

2:13 pm, Ruhan: you're the one to talk! What class have you got now?

2:13 pm, Ally: I've got a free period right now. I'm aimlessly walking around the grounds

2:14 pm, Ruhan: aha now you've got no excuse. Talk to me.

2:15 pm, Ally: haha at least wait till I find somewhere to sit. what do you want me to say?

2:18 pm, Ruhan: any thing's better than what I'm being subjected to in class

2:19 pm, Ally: why do I get the feeling you don't like French?

2:19 pm, Ruhan: because I don't, and you're my telepathic significant other.

2:20 pm, Ally: is that another line?

2:21 pm, Ruhan: actually it isn't and actually I've never said that to anyone before.
2:21 pm, Ruhan: what's up?

2:21 pm, Ally: reading Shakespeare.

2:22 pm,Ruhan: that's not even in our syllabus. Are you reading it for FUN???

2:22 pm, Ally: Ya.

2:22 pm, Ruhan: ew weirdo

2:23 pm, Ally: wow okay just for that comment, I'm going to talk to you in 16th century English, aight?

2:23 pm, Ruhan: aight.

2:23 pm, Ally: what makest thee of the glorious sun that the lord hath so generously blessed his children with on this morn?

2:24 pm, Ruhan: it is beyond splendid, milady, for neither is it sweltering on my brow, nor does it fail to banish these winds that strive to chill my bones.

2:25 pm, Ally: why Good sir, I find thine answers to be quite articulate.

2:29 pm, Ruhan: I am honoured milady, and may I go so far as to compare the noble sun to a certain maiden upon whom my heart is set, whose words send my head into a frazzled state of being, the very thought of whom plucks my heartstrings; with whom every encounter intensifies my desire to view her sweet face, if but only for a moment, just so I can liken my thoughts to a figure.
2:30 pm, Ruhan: Did my words render thee speechless?
2:32 pm, Ruhan: hallo did you pass out or something

2:33 pm, Ally: I think I've underestimated you

2:35 pm, Ruhan: that's it?

2:35 pm, Ally: I can't think of what else to say

2:36 pm, Ruhan: I gotta go. Michelle ma'am is getting suspicious. When you figure out what you want to say, don't hesitate to send me a text. ;) bye

2:38 pm, Ally: bye

The rest of her free period saw Alankrita giggle into her book, which would have seemed normal except for the fact that she was reading Othello.


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