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4:22 pm, Ally: Hi.

4:25 pm, Ruhan: isn't this a surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure?

4:26 pm, Ally: I'm sorry about this morning, I'm not usually that unpleasant

4:26 pm, Ruhan:I know. I bring out the worst in people right?

4:27 pm, Ally: I'm didn't mean that, it was out of line.

4:27 pm, Ruhan: don't sweat it. I've been called worse.

4:28 pm, Ally: so we're cool?

4:29 pm, Ruhan: yeah, we're okay.

4:30 pm, Ally: great :) bye

4:30 pm, Ruhan:hold your horses, young lady where do u think you're going?

4:31 pm, Ally: it's a week day, Ruhan, in case you haven't noticed. And I tend to be very busy on weekdays.

4:31 pm, Ruhan: with what?

4:32 pm, Ally: with... Stuff

4:33 pm, Ruhan: ooh u make me quiver with anticipation

4:34 pm, Ally: ugh who TALKS like that??

4:35 pm, Ruhan:until I see you next, milady.

4:35 pm, Ally:milady? Now all you need is a fedora and you will be girl repellent

4:36 pm, Ruhan: you know I WILL find out who you are, right? I ALWAYS get what I want.

4:36 pm, Ally: Do you now?

4:36 pm, Ruhan: yep. I can't help it. The universe just works that way

4:38 pm, Ally:I think the universe is going to change its mind soon

4:39 pm, Ruhan:suuuuree.....Ishika.

4:40 pm, Ally: no.



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