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5:46 am, Ally: RUHAN DAS

5:46 am, Ruhan: yes?

5:47 am, Ally: why in god's name did you call me at four in the morning? SIX TIMES?

5:48 am, Ruhan: I had nothing else to do.

5:49 am, Ally: So you decided to call me, a complete stranger, at the crack of dawn. Yeah that seems totally logical

5:49 am, Ruhan:I knew you wouldn't pick up, so what did I have to lose?

5:52 am, Ally:do this again and I will hurt you

5:53 am, Ruhan: omg I'm so scared what are you going to do- send me texts in CAPITAL LETTERS???! O.o

5:54 am, Ally:You must be crossing the boundaries of human idiocy right now. Go away.

5:55 am, Ruhan: good, now that you're awake anyway let's get to know each other.
5:57 am, Ruhan: what's your favourite colour?

5:59 am, Ally: really? You're asking me this question right now?

6:00 am, Ruhan: No, I was talking to the Mirror of Erised. Yes, I'm asking you this question, stupid.

6:00 am, Ally: purple.

6:01 am, Ruhan: why?


6:03 am, Ruhan: looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning ;)

6:05 am, Ally: don't you dare, Ruhan Das.
6:05 am, Ally: Don't.You.Dare.

6:06 am, Ruhan: OK, princess, I see somebody's not a morning person.

6:07 am, Ally: Actually, I love bright crisp mornings. You just tend to bring out the worst in people.

6:07 am, Ruhan: Even half asleep you manage to snap back. Tell me, what's it like being Cinderella's stepmother?

6:07 am,Ally: wow,did u come up with that on your own? -_-

6:08 am, Ruhan: you're a feisty one I see. U sure u don't wanna tell me who u are?

6:09 am, Ally: If I'd wanted to I already would have

6:09 am, Ruhan: And if you really didn't, you would have blocked my number by now

6:10 am, Ally: Touché

6:11 am, Ruhan: as the lazy tailor once said, "suit yourself".

6:12 am, Ally: as the boy told his mother when she left his room door open, "shut it".
6:14 am, Ally: I'm paraphrasing but you get it, right?

6:14 am, Ruhan: yeah yeah i get it
6:17 am, Ruhan: bye.


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