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1:05 pm, Ruhan: please please please please please please please reply

1:11 pm, Ally: will it make you stop spamming my message folder?

1:12 pm, Ruhan: I am really sorry if I offended you

1:12 pm, Ally: yeah we covered that

1:12 pm, Ruhan: I like talking to you

1:14 pm, Ally: k

1:15 pm, Ruhan: I met Alankrita on Thursday
1:15 pm, Ruhan: She invited me to her house
1:16 pm, Ruhan: Her mother made quiche
1:16 pm, Ruhan: I ate a lot of quiche
1:16 pm, Ruhan: we did project things
1:16 pm, Ruhan: She gave me homework
1:16 pm, Ruhan: The quiche was not poisoned
1:16 pm, Ruhan: She did not try to kill me

1:18 pm, Ally: what is this

1:18 pm, Ruhan: I spent an hour with her and got out of her house unscathed
1:19 pm, Ruhan: I have now declared that she is in fact not a gorgon, and is instead kind of okay.

1:19 pm, Ally: do you want a medal?

1:20 pm, Ruhan: what do I have to do to get you to forgive me?

1:21 pm, Ally: get a good grade in the physics test and actually put in some effort into the project so that poor Alankrita doesn't have to do all the work

1:24 pm, Ruhan: since when did you become Lady Justice?
1:24 pm, Ruhan: Fine, I'll do it.

Alankrita smirked at the screen. Of course, she'd forgiven him the day he showed up at her house, suppressing the urge to text him a few hours after he had left. The fact that she had gotten over it so quickly should have worried her, but it didn't seem to. However, now she had one less problem to worry about. That was the least he could do, and she couldn't be blamed for asking that of him, could she? Even if it was blackmail.

1:29 pm, Ally: bye Ruhan. Ttyl.

1:29 pm, Ruhan: see ya


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