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8:36 pm, Ruhan: hey there Anon.

8:36 pm, Ally: anon?

8:37 pm, Ruhan: Anonymous. That's what I've named your contact

8:38 pm, Ally: I am so blown away by your incredible imagination wow great job I could have never seen that coming

8:39 pm, Ruhan: FINE Sassy McSasspants, how about Crazy Stalker?

8:39 pm, Ally: hahahaha-NO. And let me refresh your memory- You were the one who texted me first.

8:41 pm, Ruhan: At least tell me the first letter of your name.

8:44 pm, Ally: like a great man once said, 'now where's the fun in that?'

8:44 pm, Ruhan: stop mocking me. :|

8:45 pm, Ally: Ruhan I'm not going to tell you who I am. Deal with it.

8:47 pm, Ruhan: fine then. Crazy Stalker it is.

8:47 pm, Ally:You're such a fart.

8:47 pm, Ruhan: as flattering as that may be, I'm changing the subject. I need to ask you something.

8:48 pm, Ally: shoot

8:50 pm, Ruhan: I know we probably don't hang out together much, but I was wondering if you would come see the game tomorrow. I'm playing.

8:53 pm, Ally: no shit you're playing, genius. You're the freaking captain. And what's with the lack of suffixed insults?

8:53 pm, Ruhan: I'm trying to be a gentleman, stupid.

8:54 pm, Ally: Gee, an invitation to see a bunch of sweaty guys running across the court passing the ball to one another until one of them shoots? I think I'll pass.

8:54 pm, Ruhan: William sir said that he'd strip to his underwear if we won. I'm feeling very comforted by the amount of faith our own coach has in us.

8:55 pm, Ally: I shall be there with my camcorder.

8:58 pm, Ruhan: And I'll be waiting for you, like I have been since the beginning of time:)

8:58 pm, Ally: cut the melodrama, sport, it's not a good colour on you.

8:58 pm, Ruhan: I was trying to be romantic.

9:00 pm, Ally:'romance' is to 'you' as 'Dobby' is to 'alive'

9:02 pm, Ruhan: I think you finally made a Harry Potter reference that does not amuse me.

9:02 pm, Ally: Uh, excuse me, ALL Harry Potter references are amusing.

9:03 pm, Ruhan: well in that case.... U wanna see my wand?

9:06 pm, Ally: why must you ruin everything I love


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