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A girl was looking straight at other side of the room and was having conversation with her mother.

Girl : why don't you understand I don't want marry?

Her mother kept her looked at her angrily.

Her mother : I don't want your excuse or what? Why can't you understand you need to move on.

Saying this she moves from the room.

Girl : why no ones understand I can't marry anyone. Why you don't know I can't move on.

She cursed her life.

Whereas a boy was busy drinking at bar when a girl appeared and sat beside him. He didn't cared about his surroundings but kept sipping. Girl moved close to him. She puts her hand on his shoulder and leaned close to him and whispered.

Girl : hey handsome!

Boy looks at her but divert his gaze from her.

Girl : mind if I join you!

Without responding the boy left and went back of the bar and stood feeling cold breeze. He wipes his tears and closed his eye.

Boy : it's hard to move from you. Why you did this to me.

I know I have pinned at least four new stories. This ideas came into mind so I pinned before I lose it. I will update them after my exams.

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