Chapter 13

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Next morning sun brightly flashing through Avneil 's room and immediately disturbing Neil's sleeps.. Neil turned his entire other side but soon shriek in pain... he pressed his both lips controlling the pain but it was too late... his hiss already reached to Avni.... she woke up rubbing her eye and looks at Neil who was lying on couch with Close eye and his lips in his mouth...

Avni got to know he is feeling pain..... she sat on bed resting her head on headboard and called Neil's name...

Avni : Neil..

Neil opened his eye and released his lips and looks at Avni...

Avni : sleep on the bed!

Neil didn't say anything but stayed on the couch. Avni sighed herself and got up moving to Washroom.. Neil also got up from couch and went to balcony...

He sat on sofa and got lost in thoughts..


It's been 1 months since Neil took Avni to orphanage... it was one day where was working in his cabin but felt his head heavy... he closed the file and held his head in his palm...

Neil : what's happening with my head? Why is it paining so much?

He was confuse himself how suddenly his head and other parts of body starts aching... Neil slowly stood up from his chair and tried picking up his phone but couldn't ... he tried taking another step but unfortunately he fell holding his head tightly before he could take another step.....

As he fell on the floor. His cabin door opened... seeing Neil on the floor Rohit can ran to Neil and tried waking him up...

Rohit : Neil..... Neil...

He taps his fingers on Neil's face but it looked Neil was unconscious.... Rohit got worried seeing Neil not responding... its first in entire life he hands seen Neil in this condition..

Rohit got up and immediately dialled receptionist number to call doctor immediately...

Half an Hour later Neil was lying down on couch while Rohit was sitting bedside Neil... there was knock on.... Rohit allowed the person and saw doctor coming behind receptionist...

Rohit : doctor please check him..

Doctor nods in his head and starts checking Neil..

Rohit looked at receptionist and gestured him not inform anyone about this.. soon receptionist left the cabin...

Doctor done checking Neil and looked at Rohit..

Rohit : doctor how's he? Why did he faint like this?

Doctor : I'm sorry to say too even I'm not able to find what actually made him faint suddenly..... I have gave injection.. he will be up in a hour.. and please let mr Khanna know to make appointment for his check up... i need to do test...

Rohit nods... he thanked doctor.. doctor left while Rohit sat beside Neil again...

Rohit : should I inform at home but if sir gets know then I'll be fire... what should I do...

An Hour later Neil opened his hair slowly... Rohit saw him opening his eye...

Rohit : Neil...

Neil : what am I doing here?

Rohit : you fainted...

Neil : l need to go home...

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