Chapter 9

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Both were still by the cliff.. while the boy was waiting for her to take action as she going to commit sucide.. not once but twice which hurts his ego.. however this boy was but he was always against sucide but seeing this girl courage he wants to see how long her courage will last for..

While hearing him she stopped and steeped back from edge of cliff.. she lifted her eyelashes and saw him looking at intensely.. she doesn't know why but looking into his eyes the pain reminds her pain.. tears Brimmed in eyes.. she gazes the floor when she felt him moving towards her..

She held her duppta tightly... he noticed that.. he stood one foot distance and sighed himself..

Boy : Listen I don't know why you want to die but dying is not the option left.. when you are born did you decided to die because of your boyfriend or husband? Dying is not only thing to avoid all this... I don't know how much you suffer but you should have not done this... think about those you loves you... think about your parents... think about your family... see I know I shouldn't say but I can't let someone die front of my eyes.. I don't know what reason you decided to die but let me you something life is short... someday you or me will die when times comes...I'm sorry if I spoke too much....

The girl was in tears in badly... the boy was shocked to see her crying...

Boy : hey... please don't cry... my words not meant to hurt you... I'm really sorry....

He stopped speaking as he left sudden hug from her... he got shocked... he didn't hugged her back.. she was crying making his shirt wet...

He forceful broke hug and took his handkerchief from his pocket and forward to her... she took it and wiped her tears.. then she rubbed her red rose making him chuckle bit.. she kept the handkerchief in her hand..

She looked at him..

Girl : thank you but I don't know should I do....

Boy looked at her..

Boy : what you mean?

Girl : can you tell me reason to live...? I mean why should I live.... for whom... who is with me... why should live in pain... why... I have no one..... why... am I alone.... the word pain which only breaks my heart... have you seen my heart.... there is know why because of my pain... I can't live my life anyone..... its better for me die.... I know committing sucide is not right but why should I live my life when every night, morning, day, every seconds only gives me pain... why the heck should I live on this earth..... why..... tell me why...... why should I live here...... you must be thinking I'm
Being selfish... yes I'm selfish because I can't forget him but the pain which he never leaves me........ you tell what would you have done.....

She looked at him, her eyes were filled with tears... the boy got froze hearing the last line.. he deeply looked into her eyes and found same loneliness pain...... himself didn't knew why he trying to know her pain.. why her tears was making him weak..

Both were staring in each other eyes and looking the pains..... the boy looked away and shooed his tears and turned back to her and gave her faint smile..

Boy : life is complicated like a maze but you know one thing the pain is also like maze.. wherever you try to be happy or sad but at the end that pain or betray will back to your face..... we are both are sailing in same boat but unknown about ours suffering... look how weird I'm saying all this to you but I'm the one who kills their family while distancing from them.....

He chuckled bit while his tears Brimmed which was about fall but he turned his entire body other side..

Boy : you know why I stopped you from dying?.........

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