Chapter 2

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Neil was sitting in his cabin leaning on go his Chair. He was resting when there was knock on his cabin. Neil opened his eye.

Neil : come in!

His pa comes and looks at him.

Pa : sir Conference room with media is ready.

Neil : give two minutes. You go ahead I'm coming.

He nods and leaves. Neil gets up and he fix his blazer and walks out off his cabin.

He reached the Conference room and saw everyone gossiping. Neil shook his head and cleared his throat gaining their attention. They all looked at Neil and got quiet.

Neil : could you tell me this, what happening here? Did I call you all to have chit chat or what?

All : sorry sir!

Neil: leave all this it's useless talks to you all. And you media people set up your Cameras.

Reports getting scared by Neil and starts setting up the camera while Neil took his seat and asked his pa to bring water.

After setting camera Neil gestured them to starts.

Reporter 1: good afternoon sir! We wanted to known why sudden you called us?

Neil : there is some announcement to make.. well according to some people loves pocking their nose in others matter but didn't Doesn't brother me because you why nowadays people don't affect me or will do later... without making any further shoot your questions and I'll announce it at the end something will shock everyone.

Hearing Neil it's shocked media but their didn't questioned him as they didn't want anger Neil..

Reporter: sir there was news last month that you had fight with your mother.

Neil looked at him then held his both hands under the table to control his anger..

Neil : well this is kind of common to have fights.. what if she is my mother? And I'm sure I don't need to explain what kind of question you should ask?

Reporter : sorry sir!

This continued till a hour when Neil looked at this watch.

Neil : I think it's time to announce secret of my life which no ones knows..

Reporters looked at him with curiosity.

Reporter : sir what's is that?

Neil : have patient little more..

After minute Neil stood up and looked straight not showing eyes up in camera or looking at reporter.. or we could say he was lost in his world..

Reporters was watching him and wanted to know what could be.. but from Neil mouth only Those words escaped..

Neil: Prakash Khanna is dead.

As Neil said this there was a lots of gaps and shocked face..before they could question Neil about Prakash Neil left the room not before looking at his pa to handle this matter..

Neil pa came forward and told media to leave soon as possible. He knew what Neil might have been through.
Reporters were wanted to know full truth of Prakash Khanna death..

Pa : I request you all please Leave now.. as you all wanted to about Neil sir dad which you got answer.. please leave now..

Reporter : how did this happen? How did Prakash Khanna died? Why did Neil sir kept this secret?

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