Chapter 8

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Suns pepping through window and straight landing on Neil's Face making him digging his face into pillows.. Neil groaned feeling the sun on his face.

Neil didn't felt like waking up as this early or new days doesn't matters to him.. his days are in office or being in his room.. his life doesn't shine but will this forever..

Almost after a hour Neil stretched his arms and legs and got up while sitting and resting his head on headboard..

He picked his phone beside the table and saw the time showing which is 9am.. he sighed himself and realised the date making him sigh once more..

Neil : today wasn't the day I was expecting to come.. but who cares about me ? My life, my body died the same day she left me...

Neil then checked his emails.. he kept his phone aside and went to take shower as he had to leave for Pune by afternoon.. though he had another 3 hours left but he didn't thought any reason of him being in Pune for another 3 hours.

Hour latter Neil come out but his eyes clearly shows how much he cried in the shower. Neil moved to his closet and picked a pair of clothes and wore it.. he did his hair and sat on bed taking his phone..

He dialled a number.

Neil : hello, today I'll be coming so make conference room ready..

He cut call and decided to make his move back to Mumbai. Neil took some files which he brought for meeting..

Without having his breakfast he made his way to his car.. he sat on driver seat and starts driving to Mumbai..

While other side Avni was sleeping in Neela's lap.. Neela was caressing avni's hair..

Neela : bacha what happened?

Avni didn't say anything but she held Neela's hand..

Neela : Avni won't you share it with me?

Avni sat up and looked at Neela.

Avni : maa I don't want marry him? Maa why do I need to get marry.. how can't we simply lives our life together.. I mean you and me only... I don't need to marry someone to look after me.. maa why do need a partner? Why can't we live our life ourselves? Why maa? Why every girls need to marry, don't they have their own life?

Neela was speechless hearing Avni words.. she remembered how in childhood Avni use to hate relationships and how she use to say about marriages and love..

Neela ( mind) Avni never said this before since that day... all because of him she lost her faith in love and marriage once again.. I'll never forgive you.. you made my daughter suffer... I just waiting for you to come so I can give you Same pain.. I thought Avni was small that's why she sayings all this... when you came in her life and made her realise what's love that day I thought myself my daughter find her man but you proved me wrong... why you killed my Daughter heart... her innocent died along with her all body..

Neela kept thinking when she didn't realise when tears slipped from her eyes.. Avni looked at Neela and saw her crying... it didn't took second to realise what Neela must be thinking...

Avni regretting what she just did... avni's hand rand reached to Neela's Face and wiped her tears... Neela looked at Avni with teary eyes.. soon they both hugged each other cried..

Avni : maa..... don't..... remember.... him.....

Neela tightened hug and pressed her lips to control... Neela broke hug and laid Avni head on her lap and starts caressing her hair..

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