Chapter 4

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Avni was sitting in her with all photos scattered around her.. she was holding one picture and was crying..

Avni : why you betrayed me? Didn't I deserved you... how could you do this to me.... I thought you loved like I did to me but you broke my heart... why it's difficult to move on from you... you Betrayed me but still my hearts carves for you... why you did this to me... why... was i not worthy of your love...

She was crying when Neela comes in her and saw all the photos.. seeing the photos anger couldn't stay in limits.. Avni was so much into her past didn't realise when Neela was picking up all the photos till she left picture slipping from her hands.

She looked up and met her mother anger eyes.. she knew what's caused it...

Neela went taking all the photo while Avni followed Neela crying...

Neela : this was only left! Why can't you move on from him.. he broke you but you still think he will come back for you.. have you lost your mind or what... Avni what's wrong with you... why can't you move on...

Avni was losing her control and top her own voice she shouted..

Avni : I can't move on from you.... I have loved him, will always love him Maa.. he...

She left to her room without answering Neela back.. Neela didn't cared consoling Avni Now as her mind was busy with to get rid of his memories in the house..

Neela was busy removing memories of him didn't realise when Avni quietly left the House...

While other side Neil was still in office when his phone rang.. he looked at his phone and saw Bebe calling him.. he frowned seeing Bebe call..

Neil ( mind) why is Bebe calling me? Is mom okay, Bebe.. hope they both are fine..

Neil closed the file which he was reading and took his phone and waited Bebe to say something.

Bebe : hello.... Neil..

A guilt formed in Neil's throat. Neil composed himself and spoke...

Neil : he...llo....

Over there Bebe eyes were Brimmed with tears.. she couldn't control her tears..

Bebe : could too come home early today...

Neil : hmmm...

Neil cut call and wiped his tears..

Neil : I'm sorry dad.. I have failed you... I'm not good son... I'm sorry... please forgive me...

He got up and move to his secret room in his cabin and went inside the washroom and washed his face and looked himself in the mirror.

Neil : why my life is like this... because of me I have to be away from my mom and Bebe.... why...

Neil splashed water on his face and came back to his cabin when he saw Rohit coming inside..

Neil : when did you come?

Rohit : hey, a while ago!

Neil : any thing to say!

Rohit : hmm! Tomorrow morning is your light to Pune..

Neil : hmm! I'll be there.. you coming too! Right!

Rohit : woh... actually...

Neil : shut the carp and Speak..

Rohit : tomorrow is Ruhi birthday and I have planed surprise for her... can I get a holiday...

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