Chapter 5

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Next morning Neil woke before everyone else... he got ready and packed some Clothes for himself.. he took some file too.. he was all ready to go when someone knocked his door.. Neil thought who could be waking up early.. he chucked his thoughts and opened the door and saw Bebe standing there.

He was shocked to see Bebe wake early in the morning as he thought he would avoid talking to Bebe about marriage proposal but he forgot one thing that Bebe is smarter then him..

Neil : Bebe... you here..

Bebe : yes I'm here .. I don't know how long you going to avoid talking to me but let me tell you something i won't let you leave Mumbai unless you give your answer...

Neil was controlling his anger..

Neil : Bebe can we not speak about marriage.. please..

Bebe : I'll stop only if you agree to marry her.. what yours decision..

Neil : I'll give you answer after I reach Pune..

He didn't wanted to discuss anymore about marriage or argue with Bebe..

Bebe : you better keep your promise..

Neil :I'll.. can I go now..

Bebe : have your breakfast.. Swetha made it..

Neil looks at her as he never informed Swetha about that he was going to Pune..

Neil : how did she know?

Bebe : she is your mother... you may have forgot you still have mother and Bebe for you but she hasn't forget about you.

Neil avoid looking at Bebe as she said about Swetha a guilt formed in his throat..

Neil diverted his gaze from Bebe and looked towards kitchen and saw light still on. Neil again looked at Bebe.

Neil : I'm not hungry!

He starts taking one step but stopped hearing Bebe voice..

Bebe : what did we do that you giving us big punishment? Why you planning with her emotions? Have your breakfast not for you but for Swetha.. she dies seeing you like this.. for sake of her have the food...

Neil didn't turned but tear didn't stopped flowing in her eyes.. he controlled his tears before Bebe could see or fall on his Cheek.

Neil ( mind) why this is difficult? What should I do now...

He was thinking how to say no to Bebe but his thought stopped when Bebe shook him. He looks at Bebe.

Bebe : only for today have your breakfast with us... she will be happy...

Neil gave small nods and moved back inside the house and kept his suitcase and office bag on couch.. he walked towards dinning table followed by Bebe. He pulled his chair and Bebe Starts serving him.. Neil looked at his plate and got confuse seeing his favourite food... Bebe noticed this but didn't say anything..

Bebe : you start eating. I'll see Swetha..

Neil nods.. Bebe went to kitchen and saw Swetha leaning to kitchen door. Bebe saw tears in swetha eyes.. Swetha wiped her tears and admire Neil starts eating the food without saying anything... Bebe stood front Swetha when Swetha divert her gaze from Neil to Bebe..

Bebe : why don't you tell him.??

Swetha : he doesn't need to know Bebe.. you right Bebe we paying for our deeds... Neil is not with us mentally.. I never thought I had to stay away from my son when he is alive front of us... Bebe do we deserve this..

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