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Two broken souls finally managed to be healed... broken hearts can be healed... this what happened with our avneil... love Doesn't need to think about past or future but it's just happens... who thought two broken soul will be bounded to love someone so deeply... off course they didn't thought that they would be able to love someone again... they never thought love would happen again to them but this time the love their till life time for them...

Love happened to them... they thought loving their previous lover will never vanished but in reality their love was replaced... Their love was more stronger... they trusted each other other more than themselves... true love happens... this is what our avneil have learnt with each other......

Sun was brighter than usual... sun kept peeping thorough Avneil' room... the couple were sleeping peacefully hugging each other... they were only covering with white silk duvet... their clothes were scattering in the room... the only cloth was covering their naked body was the white silk duvet over them.. their body was tangled with each other... sun was kissing their faces but the couple were sleeping peacefully and perfectly fitted in each other arms...Neil's arms were wrapped around Avni waist tightly while avni head was on Neil's bare chest... her hand were around his waist... their legs were tangled with Each other...

The sun had enough seeing them sleeping in each other arms... the sun increased more brightness of the sun which reflected on avni face making her stirred in sleep...

Avni moved but then hid her face into Neil's Chest... Neil in his sleep felt avni's moment so he tightened his grip around her waist.... the sun saw this and once again increased the brightness....

This time avni opened her eyes... her eye fell on Neil's bare chest... she blushed slight seeing his bare chest... then yesterday night flash came front her.... remembering yesterday night she blushed hardly making Neil smile as he could see on his chest her cheek getting red... Neil didn't opened his eye but caressed her bare waist making her shudder..... she looked up to see him sleeping.... then something crossed in her mind.... she moved bit away from and looked at his face admiringly...

She brought her lip close to his face and kissed his forehead followed by his both eyes then his both cheeks.... she stopped front his lips then looked up to see him opening his eye....

Neil kept his eye close as he felt her lip on his forehead... he waited for lip kiss when he didn't felt anything he opened his eye to see beautiful wifey smirking at him.... seeing her smirking he smirked too making her move her smirk down...

Neil pulled her on his chest and eyed her lip...... before she could stop him he placed her lips for soulful kiss.... she kissed him back... Neil pulled her more into kiss while she held his hair..... soon they broke the kiss.... Neil looked at Avni who was blushing and hid her face in his chest....

He chuckled at his cute wife and caressed her hair and kept pecking it...

Neil : good morning wifey...... stop blushing too much.... this isn't first we have done it....

Avni : Neil ... stop it....

Neil smiled and wrapped his arm around her then stretched his one arm to get his phone... he got hold of his phone and saw the time 8am in the morning.....

Neil : avni I love you to keep you in my arms but you know I have meeting at 10....

Avni tilted her head and saw him smiling.... seeing his smile it's melts her heart....

Anvi : hmm!

She hmmed and kept her head back on his chest.... Neil smiled and caressed her hair....

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