Chapter 18

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Doctor and nurses were running in operation room in and out. The patient condition was not stable.. doctor was finding difficult to say anything about patient health.. the patient was between death or life ....

While this was happening... outside of operation room there was someone who was completely standing numb seeing the person in the operation room... tears were dried but the gaze was still fixed with the person who was Struggling with life and death...

Doctor came out and saw the person still looking through glass window.. doctor tapped the person shoulder... the person didn't felt in touch because the body of person was lifeless seeing the love of life in hospital dying...

Doctor didn't knew what to do when doctor eye fell on two people who were coming running.

Doctor : are you both related to patient...

Controlling tears the lady in age 60 spoke..

Lady : yes... how...

Doctor : Patient condition is very critically... I'm sorry to say.. but there is very less time... but we will give our best to save the patient...

Lady: please... doctor... save....

Doctor : as we said we will try... but before that I need a family member signature... this signature means we won't be responsible if Patient dies... one if you please sign at reception...

Only death word made other lady froze but the lady in 3o or 40 looked at her mother-in-law..

Lady : Bebe....

Bebe : swetha..... I'll sign it.... you go there....

Swetha nodding in her head walks to swetha while Bebe move to the ot room and placed her hand... the person who was standing there was numb to react anything.. Bebe didn't knew how to get at the attention... finally not able to think any other called name of the person...

Bebe : Avni......

The person who is outside of operation room is Avni while Inside the operation room is Neil fighting Between death or life.....

( raise your hand if you though it's was Avni inside the operation room)

Avni ears Went deaf... she only could hear Neil's voice.. his confessions... Bebe couldn't control her tears anyone seeing her standing like a statue... Bebe pulled avni in hug... Avni was there standing lifeless...

Her mind was playing three hours back..


Juhi pulled the tigger... before it could hit Avni Chest... Neil pushes avni... the bullet hit straight to Neil's heart... Neil wasn't feeling pain but he was smiling when he got shot... juhi and vidyut got shocked seeing Neil Between avni... avni breath got stuck seeing Neil falling down with pool of bloods and smiling there... seeing his smile broke her heart more... she ran to him and held his head and placed it in her lap....

Avni : why you pushed me? Why ... Neil... you can't die... you can't... Neil.... you won't leave me... right...

Neil was still conscious... he smiled seeing her tears... but knew today was his last day.. he will be joining his small family maybe who will hate him knowing he left his another family alone to suffer... Neil moves his hand and tried holding her hand... finally Neil managed to hold her hand....

Neil : Avni.... le....let... me die... this is my punishment.... making... you... all... suffer.... I... killed... my father.... your father... because of me... your father is no more... because of me... Avni don't cry for this man who..... doesn't deserve it... this man..... deserves... to die... let... me die... peaceful...... Avni promise me..... you will take care of yourself.... Bebe... mom... Neela maaa.... and mostly important...... I love you.... I do... promise me... you will be happy and move on... I am not the one for you.... you need someone..... better than.... me......... be happy avni..... I lobe you........

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