Chapter 15

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Neil immediately stood up and ran out the house... he sat in his car and drove in full speed..

In the middle of night Avni was sleeping hugging pillow tightly thinking it's her baby but this world only give cruel pain. Avni starts shivering and sweating suddenly... she jerked herself and looked around the room.. she only could see the dark... flashes of that day came front her eyes... she moved her hand to put the lamp on but she couldn't... with difficult she got up the bed and switched the lights on... she looked at the room and found it empty... seeing empty room she chuckled sadly...

Avni : he.... left me... why... Avni you thought he will support you...... Avni you are big Duffer to think he will love you.... forget about love... but he left you...

Avni went up bed bed hugging herself she starts crying...

Next morning Avni woke up while rubbing her eyes and looks around the room but still didn't find Neil.. now her last nights thoughts were changing into reality...

Avni got up and went to washroom. She stood front the mirror and saw herself.. her hair was messy, her face was dried due to continuous crying... she splashed cold water on her face.. she wiped her face and came out the Washroom when she heard knock..

She went and opened the door to see unfamiliar person..

Avni : you?

Person: we never met but I'm Neil sir pa.. actually I came here to get sir belongs...

Avni : what do you mean by his belonging? Where is he?

Rohit avoided the gaze..

Rohit : he had go out the country for meeting..

Avni kept her mouth shut and moved to closet and packed some fresh clothes for Neil and gave it Rohit..

Rohit : thank you..

Rohit took step to move when Avni voice stopped him..

Avni : tell your sir not hide from me...

She left into Washroom Without waiting for his reply... while Rohit didn't turned but felt bad for them..

Rohit ( mind) I'm sorry I can't tell you Avni where Neil is? Neil took your promise I can't... god knows when you both will get happiness.. I'm sorry...

He starts walking towards his car and sat down and drove away before anyone else in the family could ask him any questions.

While somewhere a guy was sitting down holding a photo frame... he looked at the frame and tears slipped out his eye...

Guy : I failed.....

He looked the frame once again and burst in tears hugging the frame close to his heart...

A week passed since Avni shared her past to Neil... but did her past front Neil made them separate again or they are not meant to be together... Neil hasn't showed his face Avni or came
Back to Khanna house after that day... no ones know where Neil is... they tried knowing about Neil whereabouts from office but they only said Neil hasn't visit office since a week..

Avni has lost all her hope thinking Neil will trust her or he will come back to her but whom knew that poor soul is suffering Someone else. Bebe and Swetha tried giving hope to Avni but failed...

Avni was sitting in her room and lost in her thoughts when her phone rang... she looked at her phone and saw unknown number calling her...

Avni picked it up..

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