Chapter 1

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In big Mansion a man was sleeping when his Alarm rang. He hid his face more into pillow but he failed to sleep. Finally he got up and saw his bottle lying down near his bed. He move down and picked his bottle and starts gulping down.

He hid his bottle under bed as heard someone footstep. Hiding bottle he lied down and covered his whole body with duvet.

A person opens the door and saw him full cover. Walking beside his bed. Seeing his room condition tears welled up but controlled it.

Person sat on bed and tried moving duvet but he pulled it back.

Him : mom please leave me. Don't want to see you.

His mother silently cried hearing him but she knew for him she had to be strong.

His mom: Neil wake up! It's office time.

Neil : mom please I don't want to go.

Swetha : but Neil you have meeting.

Neil removed duvet over him and went to straight to washroom without saying or looking at Swetha. As he left Swetha let her tears fall. She looks up when she felt hand on her shoulder.

Swetha: Bebe!

Bebe caressed her hair.

Bebe : shhh! We can't change it.

Swetha : i can't see him like that. Have seen him how he has become. Why this happened to our Neil? Why Bebe?

Bebe : come with me!

Bebe held her hand and took Swetha out of room and made her stood front of temple.

Bebe : only god has answer of your question.

Swetha looks at Bebe confusingly.

Swetha : what are you saying Bebe?

Bebe : let time heal Neil. There would be someone who can heal Neil. Have faith of him.

Swetha nods while wiping her tears.

Swetha : I will make breakfast for him.

Bebe nods. Swetha leaves. Bebe looks at god and folded her both hands and prayed to god for Neil and her family happiness and peace.

While Neil was in Washroom throwing things. To control his anger he stood under very cold shower and let cold water drips on him.

After hour Neil took towel and wrapped it around his waist and came wait. He moved to Closet and picked his officer wear. He wore his boxer first then moved to back to Washroom to get something.

After coming back he wore his trouser and shirt. He ruffled his hair without moving to mirror. He hates mirror. His own face Betrays this what he think. Doing his hair he took his watch from drawer and wore it. He took his blazer and walked down.

He was going down the stairs when his eye fell on dinning table. He sighed and walked out off the house. Bebe saw him going before she could stop him he already left. She sighed and looks at Swetha who is bringing more food.

Bebe : don't do it! He left!

Swetha stopped what she was doing and looks at Bebe.

Bebe : he left!

Swetha didn't say anything but kept food down and walks to her room. Bebe asked butler keep them in fridge.

Even she left to her room.

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