Chapter 10

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A month have passed since Neil took drastic step marrying Avni.. all in this one month Neil haven't let any chance to make Avni suffer more.. Avni doesn't know why he is hating her.. they both have lost their path. Neela ana Bebe were happy but Swetha wasn't happy seeing Avneil together.. not because Neil married Avni but she is scared what will happen next...

She knows Neil very well.. Swetha is only person who knows what happens behind the wall.. seeing Avni face she make it out what the matter.. Bebe and Neela thinks Avneil were giving change to each other but only God ana Swetha knows what's the reality..

Avni knows Neil is the same boy who she got marry and he's the one in pain but what Neil did to her made her hate him more.. Same with Neil.. he knows too but he unaware of her pain though he have seen her crying on Cliff.. he assumed her dying was only for him as her was forcing her to marry him..

He doesn't know full truth of Avni past.. Bebe is also unaware of Avni past but only Swetha Knows about Avni bitter past.. as Neil is unaware of avni's past Same With Avni.. Avni doesn't know anything related to Neil's past.. she knows how Prakash died but doesn't what's was actually reason..

It's was another day.. new hopes, new beginning of someone life but it did they want want something new.. in room couple was sleeping.. not like how you would think.. sleeping cuddling each other on same bed or caged in each other arms..

A boy was sleeping on his bed fully covering all space.. his duvet was on the floor.. his leg other side of bed.. his sleeping position was very weird.. anyone seeing him would think he is type of animal or doesn't know how to sleep.

While his wife was sleeping on the floor only covered in thick white plain sheet.. she shivered as the floor was very cold.. she snuggled herself to keep warm but didn't happened.. she opened her eyes feeling cold and she couldn't sleep in this condition.. she sat on the floor and looked at the bed. Seeing him sleeping like monster on bed tears Brimmed in her eyes..

Girl ( mind) I wish I didn't met you that day... at least dying would have given me peace... I regret meeting you... mr Neil Khanna I hope you suffer more than me... I'll make sure you never get happiness..... you know something you are biggest devil than him... the much pain he gave me will heal soon or will Die but the pain you gave me will never be healed..... I hate you so much..... mark my words you haven't seen real Avni Metha... my foot will be your wife.. never in dream think I'll accept you as my husband.. love, marriage, husband is all shit stuff... only stupid people believes in this.. Neil Khanna what you think making me suffer you will make your family happy... but you are wrong... now I'll break you more...

She was making plan to break him who is already broken but lost somewhere in this Dark world.. she wasn't knowing what futures holds.

She stood up and arranged the sheet on couch and went to fresh up.. in shower she cried remembering things happened a month ago..

While Neil was still sleeping when his phone rang breaking his sleep.. he made groaned voice and stretched his hand to take his phone and kept near his ear..

Neil : hello...

Caller : sir it's me Rohit!

Neil : yes, say...

Rohit : sir there is bad news!

Neil sat up on bed and rested his head on headboard..

Neil : now what happened?

Rohit : sir we lost the deal...

Neil : what??

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