Chapter 3

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A week passed since medias got know about Prakash death. They have tried finding how he died but every time they failed. One things was ringing in media's people along with some business clients how is Neil Khanna related to his own father death..

While media were Trying to find out about clue of Prakash death whereas something else was planned by god for our Neil and Avni who only suffered pain along trough their life..

It was one bright sunny days. Sun rays peeking through widows straight hitting to Neil Khanna face. Neil turned his face into pillow hiding from the sun but sun didn't allowed him sleep.

Neil opened his eye and Groaned only to see the sun outside.

Neil : why this sun never brights for me?

He sighed and removed duvet over him and went to washroom.

Almost after half an hour he comes out wiping his hair and towel around his waist. He kept towel on bed and went to his Closet.

He picked his office wear and came back into his room. He starts wearing his trousers then his shirt. While wearing his shirt his phone rang.

Buttoning his shirt button moved to table aside and picked his phone. He looked at caller Name and sighed to himself and picked the call up.

Neil : I'll be there in 10 minutes..

He spoke before the caller could say anything. Neil cut the call and placed it on table. He back went to his bed and picked up the tie and tied around his neck.

He moved to dressing table and picked the brush but didn't looked into the mirror. Without looking himself he did his hair and moved to get his bag..

Picking his bag moved down to see Bebe and Swetha sitting in hall. Without glancing them or saying anything moved out of the room.. but he didn't knew they saw him going. Both felt bad seeing him ignoring but kept quiet..

Bebe looked Swetha and nods as Swetha was going to cry again for Neil..

Bebe : don't waste your tears..

Swetha : Bebe I'm going out! You wanna join me?

Bebe : not today Swetha! I'm going to visit temple so maybe next time..

Swetha nod and got up to leave towards her room. Bebe looked at her going and closed her eye and thought something.

Bebe : hope she agrees! Please god show me show me some ways.

While other side Avni was still sleeping when Neela walks inside her room
And saw Avni sleeping. Neela move to avni's bed and sat beside her..

Seeing Avni dried tears Neela heart broke.

Neela ( mind) when will you smile not fake one but from your heart.. what happened to my old Avni.. why he left us? Why? Why he broke your heart into pieces.. can I ever get my Avni back who smile for herself but forcing her smile front of others..

Neela caressed Avni head when Avni stir in her sleep. Avni opened her eyes and saw Neela. She smiled at Neela.

Avni : good morning maa!

Neela smiled and kissed her forehead.

Nelaa : good morning my bacha! Come fresh up, I have made your favourite breakfast.

Avni : maa I want to sleep little more..

Neela smiled brightly hearing as it's Rare to see Avni demanding for sleep or anything else.. Neela stroked her hair..

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