Chapter 14

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For the first Avni was sleeping peaceful while holding Neil's hand very tightly... Neil had small smile on his face... sun peeped through their window and landed on Avni's face... Avni stirred and slowly opened her eyes but soon got shocked seeing Neil sleeping so close to him... she stared at his face facial and watched him smiling... don't Know when her own lips smiled seeing his smile... Avni looked at their hand entwined... she again looked at him before removing his hand from hers...

She Slowly got up and made Neil sleep comfortable on bed and move to Washroom... she turned the shower and let the cold water touched her body...

Tears Brimmed... she recalled three years ago birthday...

"Happy birthday my jaan.."

"I love you so much"

She smiled sadly remembering it... she took bottle which beside her and Broke it down and took one piece and thrusted in her own hand... she pressed her both lips to control her tears... this isn't first she hurts herself but many times she did.. her hand wasn't hurting her at all but she knew giving her pain up herself she will die soon which she have been waiting...

Avni harshly pulled the piece and throw it out of the window... then she put her injury hand in cold water making the injury burn... she hissed but didn't reached to her mouth or head...

She changed her Clothes and came out the washroom and saw Neil getting up. Without looking at Neil she walked to balcony... Neil sat on bed rubbing his head and saw balcony door opened..

He thought Avni might be there.. taking his towel he went fresh up but soon rushed to balcony... he saw Avni sitting on the couch then his eye fell on her left hand which was fully covered with blood... blood was continuously dripping from her hand...

Neil immediately ran inside the room and came back with first aid box... he ran too Avni and sat on his knee... he took her hand in his abs Starts cleaning the blood... Avni who was busy thinking didn't realise whats was happening... but soon as she felt antiseptic liquid on her hand... she closed her eye feeling the hair... she slowly opened her eye and saw doing the finally bandage on her hand... she tried pulling her hand but Neil didn't allow her...

Neil kept the box aside and looks at her..

Neil : how did this happen?

Avni didn't answered but stared his face...

Neil : Avni I'm asking you something... how did this happen?

Avni got back to world hearing his loud voice and jerked his hand and stood up...

Avni : don't interfere in my life... whatever I do shouldn't bother you... why do you care seeing this small wound when you gave me biggest one... you hurt me isn't that enough... I don't need anyone concern mr Khanna.. and stay Away from me...

She left the balcony leaving Neil in shock...

Neil sat there thinking her words...

Neil( mind) you never to say to leave you...

Neil stood up and went to fresh up... before he freshening up he picked the bottle carefully but still one piece got stuck in his hand... he pulled out and threw the pieces in the bin... he then took shower not before putting a cloth around his wounded hand...

He came out of washroom and saw the room empty... he went to closet and picked his office wear and starts wearing when his phone starts ringing... while tying his shirt button he moved to his phone and picked it up..

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