Chapter 12

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Life was so strange... how much this cruel will make them suffer... both were was already broken... but god had another play... their parents thought making them marry will each other other but they are still in pain... one was trying to move from pain but her husband was giving her more pain... wouldn't she be happy when was died that day... while he was mystery to himself and his family... no know what his mind is playing up too... if he is making her suffer but what about his pain... he is very cleverly person up hide his pain...

How will they become one when she us suffering while he is hiding his pain from her and his family...

They didn't thought how days and months passed but life didn't stopped for them or they wished for... they both wanted to die soon as possible but whom know something was going to Change their life....

Another four months passed since offie incident took place... in this four month Neil's behaviour made Avni worried... Neil's behaviour was not only shocking her but Swetha too.. Neil would stay outside of the house or be out of the Mumbai.. even his pa wouldn't know Neil was...

It's was one fine day where Neil decided to come back home... he was coming come after 3 weeks... Bebe and Swetha was happy to know he's coming back while Avni cared less about him...

Avni was in room thinking about the day when office incident place took..


As Neil left for his meeting Avni slumped on the canoe and palmed her face together and cried remembering receptionist words... his words were pricking her heart badly... he didn't knew what he did to this poor soul...

Hearing his dirty and lusted eyes on her took her to her bitter past... his Each word remembered bitter past... she was crying palming her face when someone walks inside and looks at her... something pricked seeing her condition but controlled and took Avni name..

Person : Avni...

Avni peeped from her face and saw Neil standing there... she turned her face and wiped her tears harshly and turned back to him...

Avni : can....... I .... go..... home...

Neil looked at her once before turning himself toward his cabin window aside.. he was gazing outside and spoke without looking at her....

Neil : can I take you somewhere else....

As he said Avni body got stiff thinking he will punish her again because she broke his rule again...

Neil was waiting for her answer but didn't get one... he waited for few minutes but still didn't... soon he felt Someone near his feet.... he turned and looked down to see Avni holding he both led tightly like If she is begging him....

Neil : Avni....

He spoke being shock... he never thought Avni would do this....

Avni didn't lifted her eye to him but held his leg tightly and Starts pleading him....

Avni : sorry..... don't punish me... I didn't come with my willing but..... Bebe asked me to give....... you.... tiffin box..... you didn't had your breakfast..... don't punish me..... please..... I'll follow your rule.... don't hit me...... please.... don't slap me....

Avni hugged his leg and starts crying but her plead didn't stopped.... Neil stood there listening to each words from her mouth... one moment later he bend down himself on his knees and held Avni from shoulder and made her stand..

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