Chapter 7

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New morning with new days but does new days are happy for everyone or it just for some people..

In Pune Neil woke up around six am was sitting in his balcony sipping his coffee..

Neil was just enjoying the cold morning breeze when his phone beeped with message.. he looked at his phone and saw Bebe message.. reading the message he kept his phone down and looked at the sky..

He closed his eyes..

Neil ( mind) I miss you! Your warmth.. everything about you... why you left me..

He opened his eye and again looked at the sky.. he gave weak smile to himself and walked back inside the room.. he moved to washroom. He undressed himself and turned the cold water on.. cold water drops over his body.. cold water gives him new hope.. he stayed in shower almost hour.. he turned the shower off and took towel.. wrapped towel around him he came out of washroom while ruffling his hair..

He move to his closet and took pair of clothes and starts wearing it.. he first wore his boxer then his trousers.. he wore vest.. he took his shirt and realised his shirt button broken.. he sighed himself..

Neil : shit why this has to happen today.. how will I do it.. others shirt is not even washed..

He thinking what to do when he felt shirt slipping from his hands.. he looked up and got shocked seeing his love standing smiling at him..

Neil was still gazing his love when his love moved forward and made him wear shirt and took the button and starts switching it.. Neil was only staring her..

Neil closed his eyes feeling her touch..

Neil ( mind) she is here... I knew my love never betrayed me.. my love is not weak..

He smiled himself and opened his eyes slowly but soon his smile vanished seeing no one in the room.. then his gaze fell on his bed seeing the shirt lying there..

Neil ( mind) why can't you leave my mind? Why the heck I need to make myself believe you didn't broke my heart but in reality you did... why???

He picked his shirt and shoved back in the cupboard.. he fixed his hair and tucked vest under his trousers..

He wasn't going anywhere so thought it managing wearing vest today only..

He went into kitchen and made himself cup of coffee and light breakfast.

While in Mumbai at Metha house.

Avni was in kitchen making breakfast for herself and Neela when door bell ringed.. she turned the gas off and went to open the door.. she opened door and looked at two ladies standing on the door.. she got confused seeing them as she hasn't seen them around her house..

Avni : hello, Do I know you both..

The age mid adulthood lady smiled seeing Avni while other one was confuse..

Lady 1: beta you don't know us but I know you and your mom very well.. we came to meet Neela. Is Neela at home..

Avni :sorry anutie.. yes maa is inside.. come in..

Avni lead them inside the house..

Avni : have sit, I'll bring water for you..

They both nodded and took seat while Avni moved to kitchen to get water.. Neela who came looking for Avni saw two people sitting facing her back.. she thought who could be here this early..

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