Chapter 11

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Avni was still sitting in balcony and lost in her thought when Swetha walked inside the room and called for Avni name but didn't get answered... she called few more times when she saw balcony door opened.. she thought Avni might be there..

She walked in the balcony and saw Avni sitting alone and lost in her thought..Swetha hearts breaks seeing her children like this... love is amazing feeling... love doesn't need to between boy or girl but it can in many forms.. for example brother - sister, friends, mom and daughter, father and daughter, sister and sister, brother and brother, father-in-law and daughter-in-law and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law... that's what Swetha and Avni love is about..

Swetha loves Avni unconditionally... she knows about her son behaviour towards Avni but doesn't say anything as Neil temper will only hurt Avni.. Neil only hurt knowing anyone else mistake.. Swetha wiping her tears walks to Avni and kept her hand on Avni's shoulder.

Avni who was lost in her thought.. she shrieked herself feeling a touch... she turned to see herself and saw Swetha... seeing Swetha, she stood up and hugged Swetha Tightly and Starts weeping silently...

Swetha got shocked with sudden hug but balanced herself not floor and hugged Avni.. she caressed Avni's hair..

Swetha : why don't you leave him? He's only giving you pain... why are you bound in this relation? .... why you want to stay this person who hates you, doesn't care, love you... why Avni....

Avni starts weeping loudly... Swetha broke hug and made Avni sit down and sat beside her... she kept Avni's head on her lap and starts caressing...

Swetha : Avni this fifth time I have told you to leave him.... why you want to Stay here? Why Avni?? Avni will let anyone suffer you without your fault... my daughter isn't weak..

Avni didn't say anything but kept her head in Swetha's lap..

Swetha : Avni... please leave him... he will never value you... Avni he will.....

Avni stopped crying and tilted her head and looked at Swetha....

Avni : maa..... don't..... talk about him.... this.... is... my... fate...

Swetha : what fate you talking about? This is what you deserve? Avni can't you see in his pain he is hurting you...

Avni looked back on the floor.. Swetha seeing her like this, she shook her head..

Swetha : you will not listen to me.. you both want me to see you both suffering... this what you want then let it happen... seeing you both in pain I can die in peace.......

Avni palmed Swetha mouth and looked at her...

Avni : maa..... don't.....

Swetha : why can't you hear about death? Don't you know seeing you both pain I'm already dead person...

Avni knew this is true.. Swetha kept quiet and looked at Avni..

After few minutes later..

Swetha : Avni will do my favour...

Avni looked at her and gave nods....

Swetha : will divorce Neil....

Avni looked at Swetha shockingly......

Late in night Avni was thinking about Swetha's word..

Avni ( mind) is maa right... should I give him divorce..... maa was right why should I stay in this relation... I will ask from him divorce... but will he agree...

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