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Dark clouds hovers over the earth... Rain pours down on what was once human civilization... Building withered, cars abandoned, and no life was seen... Not a single soul...




A puddle of water, seen on the abandoned road... And a foot stumbles on the said puddle, creating a splash as a boy ran as fast as he could... (H/c) hair... (E/c) eyes... And (S/c) skin...




You ran on a road bridge, damaged and destroyed as it leads to no where... All except a large shadowy structure up ahead as you slid down the broken road onto grassy floor as you breath deeply... Your eyes were bloodshot red and tears were visible despite how soaked you are under the heavy rain... In your arms... You clenched an object, wrapped in a (Favorite Color) coat...




The sound of faint clamping footsteps are heard from afar... You turned your head over your shoulder as your eyes widen... Seeing faint lights from the distance as you take steps back before you quickly turn and ran towards the shadowy structure ahead... Stairs were seen in front of you as you didn't hesitate to wonder where it leads as you ran up the stairs, your feet touch the metal stairs...




Once you have reached the top, you did not look back as you see a rather wide bridge to your left... However you could not see where it leads no thanks to the darkness... The thunder booms the air as you flinched before quickly running to the right, up some ramps and stairs before running on flat grounds...




A sliding door opens... And you ran inside as the doors closed shut behind you before tripping on your own footing... After a loud thud echoes and empty room that you have no knowledge of what it is... You slowly pushed yourself up and looked over your shoulder at the closed door... Grabbing the wrapped object into your hands after it slipped out of your grasp from the fall... You crawled into a corner as you hugged the object tightly...




The room had a very dim light revealing the center of the room... The storm continues outside as you had no where to go no more...




What has happened to you? Why are you so afraid? What lead you to this sadness? What are you running from?




These questions... Were not answered as you hid your face in your arms as you brought your knees close... And sobbing began to softly echoed the very room you are in as your tears touch the metal floor below you...




???: Hello there.

You gasped before jerking your head up to see a pair of green lights in front of you...

???: Are you alright?

You tried to crawl away... But your back was already pushed up against the wall as the individual noticed this.

???: Do not be afraid. I mean no harm.

No words were shared... Your voice remains silent before you looked forward... The dim lights reveals a machine in front of you as the machine spoke with such a soft voice.

???: Are you hurt?


???: Please, I only wish to help. Hmm...




???: My name is Pascal. Why not come with me? You'll have a place to stay and feel safe, this place isn't safe if you stay here long.

These kind words and offer was enough to calm you down... You haven't heard such kind words in a long... Long time... And that was over ten-thousand years ago... What happened before this?




Pascal: Come on now, everything will be fine.

The machine named "Pascal" said... Lending you it's machine hand as you starred at it for a moment... And as silence fills the air, you slowly reached your hands towards Pascal's... You hesitated for a bit before gently grabbing the Machine's hand... And everything fades to black...

Pascal: There you go. What's your name?




(y/n): (y/n)... (y/n) (l/n)...

You finally spoke... And you meeting Pascal... Was thirty years ago... Before your final journey... Began...


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