Chapter 13 - Have You Ever

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"I refuse," you said, stepping back and crossing your arms against your chest.

Hoseok shrugged. "Too late. I've already made the arrangements."

When Hoseok announced that you were joining the mission, you felt a sense of pride at his approval. You thought he was recognizing you as an equal.

That was before he told you the details.

"I won't dress like a whore," you said.

"That's a terrible word for it," he said, sighing. "Hostess is a much better term."

"That doesn't change the job description."

"You won't be doing their job. You'll be doing yours - collecting information. All you have to do is walk upright and serve drinks."

"And avoid wandering hands," you added.

Hoseok smirked. "You've been trained well enough in the art of avoidance."

"Mainly from sleeping in the same tent as you."

Jimin walked in with the pile of robes stacked as high as his nose. There were blue and green silks with gold embroidery, a white undergown, and a jeweled veil. Hoseok took each piece and explained how to put them on.

"You know a lot about women's clothing," you said when he was finished.

His eyebrow bounced. "I have my experiences with it."

Jimin frowned. "Yes, and I've been on the other end of that."

"I only made you wear it once," Hoseok said to Jimin. "You were stunning."

"You could have at least waited until the men had left the camp."

"I needed second opinions."

Jimin huffed. You held up the fabric, imagining him dressed in it.

"Get dressed and come out," Hoseok said over his shoulder, escorting Jimin out of the tent.

You did your best to arrange the layers of clothing as Hoseok said, but it was rather confusing. You never had formal wear. You had work robes. That was all your family ever had. As a child, you dreamed of owning this fabric for yourself, yet fully accepted that it was never meant to be.

Yet here you were, dressed in the finest clothes you had ever seen.

You traced the silk with your fingers, the fabric soft and rich.

What is it you want? Name it.

You shook Yoongi's words out of your head. Money and clothes weren't important. Jungkook was. Revenge against the emperor was. You didn't have time for such beautiful things.

Beautiful things were for other people.

Resolving not to get attached, you stepped out of the tent and went to meet Hoseok, gathering your skirts in your hands so they wouldn't touch the ground. A shadow crossed your path, stopping to cock his head to the side.

 A shadow crossed your path, stopping to cock his head to the side

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