Yoongi POV 5 - Weaknesses

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He would come back with her.

I should have been relieved. Our men were being rescued, as was Y/N.

As for whatever happened to Kim Namjoon... well... I had no control over that now. I wasn't going to get involved with that.

I should have ordered his execution. After all, he slit Yujin's throat and killed quite a few of our men while he was in his position.

But at the same time, he was our supplier.

My twisted curiosity was the only thing holding me back from giving the order.

Why would he work with Jin to keep us alive?

"We followed Y/N to the Red House," my contact had said. "She left in a rush and ended up in Captain Kim's company. Jin met them. There seemed to be no bad blood between them. Jin left her with Captain Kim."

"Is she alive?" I had asked.

"As far as we can tell. She might have been a trade, or he might be leaving her in his custody to gather information. Or both."

Yes... he had done things like that before. I wouldn't have put it past him.

I had ordered my contact's silence, waiting for the opportune time to tell Hoseok. With his slippery mental state, I had to wait until I could control him well enough, otherwise, he'd get himself and everyone else killed. Telling him a few days before the planned rescue for our men was enough. His mind had started to calm by then; and telling him that she was in Kim's keep made his wild eyes clear.

He was sharper than before. I could tell that. I just hoped whatever feelings he had for her wouldn't cloud his judgment. I didn't want him to have the blood of someone he loved on his hands like I did.

Love... could any of us live in this kind of life with such a risky emotion? My father couldn't. What if history repeated itself? Would it be worth it?

Footsteps interrupted my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder to see my dear cousin, a blank stare his only return.

"Welcome back, Jin," I said flatly.

He nodded.

"Why did you take so long to return this time?" I asked.

"I found our little leak that led to the ambush. I decided to put an end to it myself. There were a few loose ends I had to tie as well."

Yes, including sending Y/N off with Captain Kim.

"Without telling me?" I asked.

"I found out when I was already in the city. I had no time to track down pigeons and send them. I had to act fast. As the Underground's second, I assumed I had your trust in the matter."

We stared at each other while I tried to find my words.

"You have my trust," I said. "Do you think I'm a fool to give it to you?"

He searched my face for a moment. I could see the flicker of understanding in his eyes.

"My loyalty is to the Rebellion," he said. "Until the day I die, Yoongi. I owe your parents far too much to forget my place."

Pain flashed in his eyes and I knew he was thinking of his own mother - my mother's sister - who abandoned him and ran off with some Rebellion soldier before we had forbidden women from our camps.

I remembered the way my mother took him in as her own for years.

I remembered the night he crawled to camp, stabbed and half-dead to tell us she had been captured.

And I remembered the first man he ever killed the day he tried to save her from the execution block.

Just seeing that pain in him still, I knew he had no betrayal in him. He would do whatever it took to preserve us... even if it meant accepting Kim Namjoon.

For now, I could do the same.

I nodded. "Just checking."

"Where are the others?"

"Rescue mission."

"You mean..."

I nodded.

He stood still for a long time then bowed. "If there's nothing else."

As he walked away, I almost stopped him to ask one more question.

Why did you sacrifice her to him... when you knew how much she meant to us?

...How much she was starting to mean to me?

But there were cheers of victory before I could ask.

Jin and I looked at each other before running to the edge of camp to see the commotion.

Hoseok had returned, Y/N riding on his horse beside him.

I exhaled in relief.

"That's the happiest I've seen you in months," Jin commented.

I dropped my smile. "Our men have returned. What's not to celebrate?"

He cocked his head to the side, a smile breaking through his lips.

"Oh?" he asked. "I could've sworn you weren't looking at the men."

With a raised eyebrow he turned away, walking off before I could deny it.

But as I looked back, watching Y/N slide off the horse and greet the men who welcomed her, I knew I couldn't deny it anymore.

She meant more to me than I wanted.

It was dangerous to love... that's why I never decided my feelings towards Yujin. But when it came to Y/N, they were pretty clear.

Even though I knew them... I could never tell her.

All I could do was protect her with everything I had.

And I would.

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