Hoseok POV 4 - Safehouse

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"Where is she?"

I stormed the dining hall. Yoongi wasn't in his tent, so there was only one other place for him to be - sipping tea at the dining table like a heartless bastard.

And he was.

He looked up at me, with no hint of annoyance or guilt in his face, frustrating me even more. He should have been as angry as I was. He should have been as furious as I was about everything that had happened. Instead, he went behind my back and made things worse.

Was I joke to him? Was Taehyung? Was Yujin?

I stepped in front of him, my shadow doing nothing to intimidate him. He brought his tea to his lips, then sipped, taking far too long to answer my question.

"Gone," he finally said.


"Away from you." He raised his head to meet my gaze, waiting for me to challenge him.

"How could you --"

"You're losing your mind, Jung."

"You don't have the right to take her from me."

"In this state, you'll put her in more danger --"

"She's mine!"

My lungs strangled me as I said it. I had to take a dozen breaths to fill my chest with air.

He took another long sip.

"Is she your woman," he eventually asked, "or is she your weapon?"

He waited for my answer, but I knew it was a trick.

"Neither," I replied. "You wouldn't allow it."

He chuckled and came to his feet. "You're right. I wouldn't. Both a woman and a weapon cost too much."

"But she belongs to me. All of my men --"

"She's not a man. And you don't treat her like one. You let her sleep in your tent --"

"-- to protect her from--"

"You wouldn't do that for a soldier. You never have, male nor female."

I didn't answer.

"You give her your food portions," he continued. "You train her privately. You discipline her the most. You either love her... or you love what you can do with her."

There was a long pause. Only because punching my employer in the face would have too many consequences.

"She's not Yujin," he said flatly.

I clenched my fists. "Don't insult me. I never thought of her that way."

"Yes..." He dragged out the word. "You don't treat her like a sister, I suppose. And I don't believe she sees you as a brother. I've seen the way she tries to impress you. Pushing herself until she breaks, looking for your approval. Watching your every move. Looking for you when you're not around. You notice it too, don't you?"

Yes, I noticed. I noticed the determination in her eyes whenever I gave her a challenge. I noticed the way she tried to prove herself to me until she was ill. I noticed the way she prepared my bed before nightfall, and the way she cared for the sick men at camp alongside Jimin. I noticed the light fade in her eyes at night, looking up at the stars and asking them if she was good enough.

I noticed everything about her.

"You can't take her from me," I said again.

He only stared at me. "I can return her when I think you're ready. Until then, if you take one step off this camp, I'll release you."

He walked away. I knew he meant his words, and I couldn't say anything else. For now.

There were at least six places he could have hidden her, and I couldn't reach any of them easily. Even if I went to find her, she would have left long before I got there. She would never let someone hold her captive. She was too afraid of being weak.

It was something we had in common.

"If it comforts you... I won't stop you..."

That night was still so vivid to me. Even drowning in pain and alcohol, I still remembered everything. The way she felt under my fingers, the shape of her waist in my hands, the smell of her hair... The woman who was afraid to be anything but serious - the girl looking for a way to ease her pain - was completely willing to give herself up to me at that moment.

And I understood... I understood why he loved her.

I stepped out, looking up at the stars, wondering if she could see them now too.

"You're enough," I said to her, knowing she would never hear me. "To me, you have always been enough."


Early update! Merry Christmas!

...But on the flip side, my next update might be a little late due to work stuff. I'll post it as soon as possible!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020, Tigers! :D 

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