Namjoon POV 3 - Safehouse

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"Why didn't you tell me Jung Hoseok was part of the Rebellion?" I demanded.

Jin shrugged with his eyes. "Is he?"

We stared at each other for a long moment. I knew he wasn't going to confirm it, but I was half tempted to beat it out of him.

"You told me not to give you names," he said eventually. "Liabilities, remember?"

Yes, we made that agreement. I didn't know any names of the members within the Rebellion. The only reason Jin had told me about Y/N is because I had been searching for her since she had escaped the arrest. It would have led me to them eventually, and once Jin put the pieces together, he released her location to me so I would keep my nose out of their camp.

But with Jung Hoseok - the way he had his hands on her that night - I suddenly hated every decision I ever made. 

"You should have called me a damn fool for it," I huffed.

"My job is to deliver your supplies to the Rebellion. You said you wouldn't be involved otherwise. No names equals no traces. I have to think of my group's safety as well, you know."

I swallowed down my agitation. "Yes... I suppose that was our agreement."

He paused, waiting for me to say something else. I couldn't form sentences at this point. I could only reimagine Jung's lips against Y/N's cheek again and again.

A man didn't need his lips to be a soldier...

"What do you plan to do?"

I shook my head. "To the Rebellion? Nothing."

To Jung? Anything was possible.

"Is she really his?" I asked.

Jin shrugged. "She pretends to defy him... but in the end, she always submits."

My fingers burned. She spent so long trying to survive, and now she had no one, and he... How could I blame her? How could I be angry?

But I was.

"Did you call me out here for her?" he asked, bored.

"No," I finally said, refocusing my attention. "I heard there was an ambush. I have information on who may have gone after the Rebellion."

"It wasn't you?"

"I wouldn't feed you and kill you at the same time. That's expensive."

"Who would then?"

"Desperate people in need of a lot of money."

We exchanged glances a second time.

"What do you suggest?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "I can't bring them to justice on my side. You'll need to do it on yours. I'll give you the names. You take care of them. My supplies will continue per our agreement. But in exchange, I want something."

His lips twitched. "The girl?"

I shouldn't have been so possessive of her. I had been gone for too long and she wasn't mine anymore. Maybe she never was.

But even after all this time... I wanted her to be only mine. It was the one thing both sides of me - the powerless Kim Namjoon and the powerful Captain Kim - completely agreed on.

I had to take her from him. By any means necessary.

I nodded.

He watched me for a long moment. Too long. There was something calculating in it, but I didn't have the energy to care. I needed to get Y/N away from there. I didn't care about the consequences.

He swung his head to the side, looking over his shoulder. "I may happen to know where she is now. Someplace not too difficult to find her. But..."

He stopped for a moment.

"But?" I echoed.

I exhaled through his teeth. "I don't know if he'll let go of her so easily. And I don't know if she'll come to you the way you want."

He met my eyes again, waiting for my response.

I left Y/N alone for too long. I expected every type of resistance from her. She hated me. I could see it in her eyes at the Red House. I was a stranger to her, someone who meant nothing.

But to me... she was everything.

"That's my problem to deal with," I replied. "Do you want the names or not?"

After a moment, he gave a single nod.

I'm coming for you, Y/N. I won't let anyone else possess you.

Not now. Not ever. 


I have been staring at that Namjoon gif for an inappropriate amount of time...

...that man has been my hero for years.  Every time I see him, I think of that line from Picture of Dorian Gray: "I have given away my whole soul to someone who treats it as if it were a flower to put in his coat, a bit of decoration to charm his vanity, an ornament for a summer's day."



Don't forget that you can now order my book, THE FIVE PRINCES, online at any retailer. If you go to Amazon and it says, "Out of Stock" don't worry about it. It's because Amazon thinks my printer is competition and it's trying to be the alpha male. I'm working on getting that fixed.

The Five Princes is the commercial version of The 7 Princes,  my first story here on Wattpad. The story has changed a bit, and there are new characters, but I hope you enjoy it!

If you have a copy already, THANK YOU!!! Please leave a review! It really helps me out!

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If you have a copy already, THANK YOU!!! Please leave a review! It really helps me out!

Keep Daegu in your prayers. We're still navigating through Coronavirus, but I think it will break soon. Hurry up, Spring!

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