Hoseok: That's why they call me Master, sweetheart. Now it's your turn. Say it.
Yoongi: If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return. Something I can't get anywhere else...
Namjoon: If they want to take you back, they have...
It was the dark part before the dawn by the time you arrived at the safehouse.
It wasn't lavish or something that stood out. Just a regular inn - two stories, wide and inviting. It was close to the same feeling as your own home... which somehow, you didn't miss.
You missed musty smelling tents and the sound of the river through the forest.
Yoongi dismounted and raised his arms up back to you. In the brief moment that he held you in his arms while helping you down, you wanted to latch onto him and beg him to take you back.
But there wasn't anything there for you anymore.
The inn on the inside was warm, but empty. Dozens of candles scattered across the floor and shelves, the glow bringing a sense of peace over you. There were pillows on the ground, which were now empty, as the guests were probably sound asleep in their rooms.
Yoongi stepped up to the front desk, leaning against it. He didn't say anything to the woman with her back turned against him. He waited until she turned, then smiled. She jumped, throwing her hands up and clutching her chest.
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"Min Yoongi!" she cried. "You come at me like a ghost! Child, why you sneakin'?"
He laughed. The woman caught you in her eye.
"Ohh, I see," she said, nodding. "Never took you for the type."
He shook his head. "I'm not the type. I'm here for checkpoint."
Her shoulders slumped. "Is that all? Ah! And here I thoughts you'd be in the middle of a romantic escapade."
"There's no escapades," Yoongi replied. "Romantic or otherwise."
"Why are you harassing the boy, Daeun? Your fantasies are bad for business."
A man walked in from the side room, his large shoulders taking up half the doorframe. Despite his beard, you could see his lips part into a wide smile, and he came over to Yoongi, giving a slight bow. There was a slight limp in his step.
"You lost, son?" he asked.
"No," Yoongi replied. "But the moon is high and the wolves are hungry."
The man's smile straightened and he nodded, looking at you.
"Of course. You're welcome here for as long as you like. Who's the gal?"
Yoongi turned to you, his head cocking to the side. "Haven't decided yet."
You raised an eyebrow at him.
The man chuckled. "In any case, your room is clear. Take it."
Yoongi bowed his head in acknowledgment. "How's the leg?"
The man tapped his thigh with his fist. "As good as it'll ever be. I'm grateful it's still there. I'd be left to the guards' mercy if it hadn't been for you. You still medicining these days?"