Hoseok POV 1 - Property

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We were being followed.

I knew it wasn't Namjoon's men. They had lost our trail this morning.

It was a shame that Namjoon wasn't more dedicated to finding me. I wanted him to. I wanted him to come challenge me on my own soil.

But there was nothing to encourage him to risk it.

I needed to find something... something that could lure him to my territory. Something valuable. Something I could take from him that would drive him lose his common sense.

But he was already the demon of the kingdom. He had no living family, no friends, and no assets. He loved nothing - which meant I couldn't take anything from him.

Not yet, anyways

So... who was this little spy following us now?

Anyone who ventured this far into the forest was vengeful or suicidal. By the amateur way this creature was tracking us, I assumed he was the first of the two. But he was noisy. Perhaps it was a small, stupid child trying to get a glimpse at the Rebellion.

Honestly, what was the point of striking fear into people's hearts if it made them want to find you?

I guess it was just something I'd have to endure. Popularity was such a burden.

"Take Mang," I whispered to one of my men, handing him the reins. He didn't ask any questions as I turned around to go back into the forest alone. This wouldn't take long.

It had been such a long time since I had played a good game of cat and mouse. My fingers twitched as I tried to force down my smile.

The pursuer's footsteps were steady, making him easy to trace. He should have changed up his rhythm. It wasn't much of a challenge, to be honest.

I hid among the trees, waiting.

And then... I saw her.

She was the one after us, all right. Her quick pace and the way she looked around was a sure sign of trailing. She was fast but easy to follow. I couldn't remember us meeting before, and I never forgot a face... or a body. I didn't recognize either.

She was far too thin, meaning she wasn't from the Red House or any government houses. Who were the poorest people in the city? The travelers? Farmers? Homeless?

Why would any of those people be out searching for us?

I decided to ask.

Cutting her off between the trees, I rushed forward and took her to the ground, pulling my sword and aiming it at her throat.

Her eyes glistened in beautiful confusion.

"This is a dangerous place for you, sweetheart," I said. "Haven't you heard the rumors? I went through an awful lot of trouble to spread them."

She looked at my blade and narrowed her eyes, not appreciating my wit as much as she should have.

"Are you part of the Rebellion?" she asked.

A strong, firm voice, yet somehow hollow. Her shoulders were too high, her back too curved. Even in the darkness, I could see the nervous twitch of her fingers. It made me smile. I loved it when they were nervous.

"Why would you risk your life looking for the Rebellion?" I asked.

Especially when you're terrified?

"If you're not part of the Rebellion, I have no reason to tell you."

Ohh, a game. I liked her enthusiasm.

"I have no reason to tell you whether or not I'm part of the Rebellion," I returned.

"Then I'll find someone else."

Oh no, sweetheart. I'm not letting you find anyone else.

"Who said I'd let you live?" I asked, wondering if she'd tremble.

She didn't. She only smirked at me. "Who said I was asking for permission?"

She swept my legs, and I hit the ground.

A takedown? Where did she learn? The only people trained with takedowns like that one were --

This woman. I couldn't let her get away.

Whether she liked it not, she was now mine.

I'm baaaaaaack! ;)

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