Namjoon's Ending

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There was a whistle.

You opened your eyes to see a man jump down from the trees and land in front of you. His wide shoulders and back faced you as he swung his sword, cutting the guards back. You ripped from the grip of your holders, side-kicking one guard and then elbowing the other in the face.

You pulled your dagger and stabbed the closest attacker in the shoulder. As you jumped in to knock him across the face, you were able to catch a glimpse of who had saved you.


While Jin was detaining the other guards, shadows came from the trees.

A sword swung at your face. You rolled back, coming back to your feet, but winced as pain shot through your weak leg. You stood ready to attack, your opponent holding his sword ready.

"You've brought a dagger to a sword fight," the man said, circling you. "Pity. I wanted a real challenge."

A sword pressed against his throat before he could step closer.

"Fight me then," a voice said behind him.

You almost dropped to the ground in relief.

Namjoon held his sword against your opponent's throat, ready to slit it The man dropped his sword and raised his hands in surrender. Namjoon commanded him to his knees, and the guard obeyed, shaking.

	Namjoon towered over him, sword at the man's throat

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Namjoon towered over him, sword at the man's throat. "You tell them that the former Captain hasn't forgotten his enemies. Understand?"

The man nodded nervously, then backed away from Namjoon and sprinted back into the forest. The guards who were still standing followed. The rest remained on the ground in permanent sleep.

Jin stepped over one of the bodies, approaching you both.

"Good timing," you breathed out.

Jin pulled his lips to the side in a slight smile. "You're welcome."

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asked, stepping in and holding your face between his hands.

Your shoulders relaxed at his touch. You nodded.

Jin put away his sword. "What's the plan?"

Namjoon's thumb rubbed against your cheek as he looked around the forest. "Not sure. I can't go back. The only place I can go is forward." He turned back to Jin. "Sorry to say, I've lost my ability to give the Rebellion any resources for now. I'll have to find another way."

"You'll still support the Rebellion?" you asked. "Even now?"

"Even if I can't bring down the emperor myself, I can assist those who can. My power is gone. My abilities aren't."

Your heart sank into your stomach. Namjoon had a group of men ready to follow him into battle for a revolution. They needed him as a leader.

Which meant... he wouldn't be beside you.

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