He loved her. Any fool could see it.
When I found my pet in the forest I knew immediately that Captain Kim had been the one to train her. Her fighting style was the same as Kim's. Same as the new emperor's royal guards. There was no other place for her to learn those takedown techniques. He brought them with him when he became captain.
Just from that alone I knew she was the link I needed to something in his past.
And I was right.
Y/N was more than a student to Captain Kim. She was a deep and precious memory, preserved in his mind like a family jewel. The moment he put his hands around my throat, I saw it.
He thought I had been inside her... and he was going to strangle me for it.
And she... she wasn't much different from him. Before he walked into the room, she emitted a welcoming energy every time I touched her. She responded to me. She acted like she was mine. Yet, as soon as he walked in, she went cold. Distant. Avoiding my fingers like poison. She wasn't scared for her life - she was reckless and stubborn even in the face of death - so there was only one other explanation.
"You escaped to become a goddamn whore?"
The way he said it... he wasn't going to kill her. He was keeping her alive. Secretly, it seemed. But it made no difference to me either way.
I had something precious to him. I had something I could control him with.
"Have you ever been in love before?"
She never answered my question, but I knew the answer now. These two had a much deeper bond than teacher and student. The possessiveness of a man and the possessiveness of a teacher were two different intensities. He loved her once, and he loved her still.
But... if she loved him in return, she could betray me at any time.
I couldn't allow it. I couldn't allow Y/N to go to him. I couldn't lose everything now.
After our return from the Red House, a party was thrown to celebrated our win. Now, the men lay in the dining hall in drunken stupor, and I happily let them sleep, making a mental note to beat the alcohol out of them tomorrow afternoon.
Y/N sat among them, not drunk, but her thoughts obviously clouding her head stronger than alcohol.
I had to put a stop to it. I had to seal our relationship.
She trusted me. She called me Master. But she still wasn't mine.
Not yet.
"Come," I said, taking her arm. "I have something for you."
She silently followed me to the training room, and I left her at the entrance to light the room with a few candles. Their glow gave me other ideas on how to seal our relationship - ones of a more intimate nature - but I pressed them down. Y/N was not the romantic type. She had struggled too long to survive to hand over her body and heart so easily.
I had to use another way to win her... despite my temptation to find the heart in her that once loved a man.
"What is this?" she asked, breaking my inappropriate thoughts.
I turned back to her and gave my best smile. "Isn't it romantic?"
"Quit your nonsense. What's going on?"
"I have a gift for you."
I swallowed my heartbeat as I went to the shelves on the other side of the room. I hadn't touched this box in almost a year, the memories from it twisting my guts as soon as my fingers stroked the bamboo.
"Take her body. There are more in the forest, I'm sure. Find them and gut them. Then hang all their dead bodies in the town gallows. Let everyone see the result of going up against me."
"But Captain Kim —"
"Do it or I'll hang your bodies instead."
They took two more of my men that night. I couldn't give any commands, to save or to stop them. I was trapped in place. All I could do was look at the body of my sister next to Captain Kim's feet.
Yoongi had to step in and order a distraction, giving him a chance to grab her body before Kim's men could fulfill his order. But it was too late. My baby sister was gone.
...But I wasn't.
Forgive me for giving away your most precious possession, Yujin... but he can't have her.
I won't let him.

The Rebellion (BTS Rap Line x Reader)
FanfictionHoseok: That's why they call me Master, sweetheart. Now it's your turn. Say it. Yoongi: If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return. Something I can't get anywhere else... Namjoon: If they want to take you back, they have...