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A/N: I have replaced Woojin's character with BamBam due to the situation. If I have missed any parts and you can still see Woojin's name throughout the book, please comment and let me know.

Jisung's POV

I jumped up to one of the windows on the second floor since it was open, and climbed inside.

I couldn't believe how easy it was to get to the centre of the pack without being noticed. Maybe my vampire speed was an advantage, but they should have been able to smell me or at least the lookouts should have seen me sneaking inside.

Stupid werewolves.

I stood still for a few seconds, taking in my surroundings and trying to hear for any noises outside the room. I was standing in a bedroom, which looked like it belonged to one of the important members of the pack.

I walked forward slowly and then froze as the door slammed open. I was met with a pair of glowing golden eyes which belonged to a young boy around my age.

He slammed the door shut before I had time to react.

"Mate." he growled and took long strides towards me.

I stepped backwards quickly in fear. I couldn't deny he was sexy as heck but he was dangerous.

He was a werewolf.

I stood panting with my back pressed against the wall of his room. I stared at him wide eyed as he cocked his head and examined me.

"Did you not hear me?" he growled quietly.

"I heard you."

His eyes flashed gold for a few seconds before he launched forward. Before I knew it our noses were touching and he had pinned my arms above my head.

"Why did you back away then little one?" he stared into my eyes before moving his head to sniff at my neck.

"There m-must be some mistake..." I whispered out. "I can't be your mate... I'm a vampire."

"So?" his eyes changed colour once again.

"You're a werewolf." I shivered slightly as his teeth grazed my neck. "Your pack would never accept me and my family would not let me stay with you."

He gripped my wrists tighter. "You're not leaving me."

I turned my head to the side so that I wouldn't have to stare into his mesmerising eyes.

"You can't make me stay."

"Try me." I could see him smirk out the corner of my eye.

I sighed. "I don't even know your name."

"My name is Minho, future alpha and protector of this pack." he said proudly. "Your mate."

I gulped. He was an alpha? That made things more complicated.

"I'm Jisung." I said quietly.

I'm here to kill you.

"We can work things out." he said confidently with a smile that made me want to melt to the ground.

But I'll be in serious trouble if I don't go back with your head.

"I want to meet your family."

"No." I denied straight away. "You can't."

A loud growl ripped from his throat and the smile was replaced with the look of a predator.

"Look, Jisung." he pushed his face closer to mine. "I'm willing to be nice and attempt to work things out with you and your family. I can deal with my pack, you don't have to worry about them."

He lowered his voice. "But if you refuse and attempt to go against me... I won't hesitate to force you to stay against your will. I will make you mine, do you understand?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered out shakily.

He finally let go of my wrists and took a step back. "Good."

I rubbed at my sore wrists and watched as he made his way to the door.

He turned and glanced at me, his hand on the doorknob. "I need to go and do a few things, stay here until I return. I'll make sure no one enters the room."

I nodded at his words.

"Do I need to remind you that if you even try to escape, I'll hunt you down until I find you and you'll wish you'd never attempted to run away..."

"I'll stay." I said quickly and sat down on his bed.

He nodded and left the room just as quickly as he'd arrived.

I fumbled around in my pocket until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a crumbled photograph of the person I had been sent to kill.

Sure enough, the photo matched the boy that had been in this room just seconds ago.

Damn it Jisung, you had your chance. He was right in front of you and you just let him go!

I grabbed at my hair in frustration and groaned loudly.

Should I kill him? My mate?

Could I kill him?

It was rare to hear of vampire and werewolf pairings and vampires didn't feel a strong pull towards their mates unlike werewolves which meant if I was to kill him I wouldn't feel that bad.

I felt something though.

An attraction.

A pull.

I was attracted to him.

"Don't come back until he's dead."

That was what my mother had said to me before I'd set out on my mission.

If I don't go back would they look for me? Would they do the job themselves?

If they came... would I join them or would I protect Minho?

All these questions swirling in my head made me feel dizzy. I laid down on his soft bed and curled into a ball.

I guess I would wait for Minho to return and see what happens next.

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now