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Jisung's POV

Minho and Hyunjin were in their wolf forms growling at four vampires. Those four vampires just happened to be my parents and my friends.

"Why are they here?! It hasn't even been a week yet!" I whispered to Seungmin as we hid behind a tree.

Seungmin shrugged in reply and watched nervously as my father stepped forward with a sly grin.

"Can't we all be civil and talk in human form? I only wish to speak to the alpha's son."

Minho immediately shifted and stepped forward. "And what exactly do you want?"

I could see my father had recognised Minho as he grinned with glee.

"I've come here looking for my son, I'm sure you know of him."

I stepped out from behind the tree and walked until I was standing beside Minho.

"What the hell are you doing here father?" I glanced at my mother and friends briefly before glaring at him.

He put on an expression of mock surprise. "Jisung? Come over here son, it's dangerous to stand next to a wolf."

"He's my mate." Minho growled out and inched closer to me.

"Yeah... I've switched sides." I confirmed.

"Jisung!" Chan gasped out, confusion clear in his eyes.

I looked away from him quickly because the feeling of guilt was rising inside me. Chan was one of my oldest friends and it hurt to be on opposing sides.

"You know what we do with vampires that switch sides." my father warned.

"I've already thought about that." I shot back. "I'm staying with my mate, it's much better here than it is with a family that hardly cares about me."

"That's not true sweetie." my mother interjected. "We love you."

"It appears your mate already knows who you are." my father said. "I'm surprised he hasn't ripped you to pieces yet."

"And I know exactly who you are too." Minho growled out before leaping forward and shifting.

At that exact moment four more wolves appeared and lunged at the vampires. All except for a rusty brown wolf that immediately pushed Felix to the ground and growled at anyone who tried to come near him.

"Felix what's going on?" Chan asked as he fought off two wolves at the same time.

Felix laid on the ground and stared wide eyed up at the wolf that was protecting him.

"I think he's my mate." he said dazedly.

"Shit, shit." Chan muttered as he dodged a wolf's claws.

He then ran over to me and pulled me away from the fight. "I want to be on your side Jisung, this side sucks without you."

"Then join us." I quickly pushed Chan behind me as a wolf snapped at him. "Leave him alone."

"But wont it be strange if I stay here and don't have a mate?"

"You're my friend and that's all that matters." I kept one eye on the wolf in front of me and one eye on my parents that were surprisingly holding their own.

"Traitor." My father growled out and broke away from the wolves. He came running at me and before I knew it he had punched me in the stomach.

I gasped and hunched over in pain as he knocked the wind out of me.

Minho growled loudly and bounded over to me, my parents were long gone as they had run away from the fight.

He shifted and looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now