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Jisung's POV

Minho stood in front of the mirror fixing his tie with a stone cold face while I was using everything I had to not rip my own tie off my neck.

Today was the ceremony for Minho to officially become alpha and for Hyunjin to become his beta. Minho's father had been killed last week by werewolf hunters - not vampires this time, and the pack was becoming restless without a leader.

"This damn tie..." Minho growled and I immediately stood to help him.

"Stop stressing baby, you'll be fine." I said soothingly as I patted down the tie and straightened out his jacket.

Minho's face softened. "I honestly think I would be a mess right now if I didn't have you by my side."

"You're stronger than you think. Even if I wasn't here you'd be amazing with Hyunjin next to you and everyone supporting you."

He kissed me gently and let out a sigh. "I love you."

I grinned. "Go get 'em tiger."

He took one last glance at the mirror before taking my hand and leading me downstairs. It was eerily quiet as everyone was waiting outside where the ceremony was to be held. I squeezed his hand comfortingly as we reached the doors that lead outdoors. 

Every single pack member was either sitting or standing and facing the front where a small stage was situated. Silence spread across the crowd as we stepped outside and their eyes fixed onto us.

Hyunjin and Seungmin were sitting on the stage along with a man that I didn't recognise, but he looked important. Minho's mother and brother were sitting in the front row, tears glistened in his mother's eyes as she held a hand to her heart and she smiled proudly.

We took our seats on the other side of the stage and waited for the man to start talking.

"Lee Minho if you'd like to stand beside me."

The man summoned Minho to the front where they faced each other and held onto each other's hands.

"Do you - Minho, son of the previous alpha - acknowledge your position as leader of this pack, protector of all wolves and ally to all packs that have agreed to sign a Non Aggression Pact?"


"Do you agree to put your pack before yourself and to make sure everyone has a role to play in keeping this pack running smoothly?"

"I do."

"And finally, can you honestly say that you trust your mate to help you with your duties and that he has the pack's best interests at heart."

Minho didn't hesitate. "I trust him."

"Thank you, and now Hwang Hyunjin if you could please join us."

Hyunjin clasped hands with both wolves as his part of the ceremony began.

"Do you - Hyunjin, the wolf that was personally chosen by Minho to be his beta - acknowledge your position as Minho's second in command, protector of all wolves and ally to all packs that have agreed to sign a Non Aggression Pact?"


The man repeated his questions and finally they raised their hands up to signify Minho was officially the new alpha. The crowd burst into cheers and claps, most raising from their seats to show their loyalty to their leader. 

I beamed proudly and stood from my seat to stand beside Minho, while Seungmin did the same next to Hyunjin.

"We're now going to do an unanimous shift." Minho said when the crowd quietened down. "I will shift first and howl. All of you that accept me as your alpha must shift in obedience and join my howl."

Seungmin and I moved to the side to give them room to shift. Minho briefly glanced at me and I gave him an encouraging nod before he faced the crowd once more. His body shimmered slightly as he shifted into his magnificent black wolf with white paws and muzzle. He stood tall and proud before he raised his head and howled.

If I didn't know who Minho was then I was sure I'd be absolutely terrified of him. The amount of power that rolled off his body was huge and his sharp eyes showed he wasn't playing games.

Every single wolf shifted and howled with him, filling the air with the wolves' song of acceptance for Minho. Chan and Felix stood next to each other and watched with awe as the pack once again felt like a unified family.

The death of Minho's father was painful and sudden, but right now everyone was cheering for Minho. They knew he was strong enough to protect them, clever enough to outsmart any enemies and kind enough to listen to their worries.

Slowly the howls faded out and the wolves shifted back into human form.

"We have prepared a feast in the dining area, thank you everyone for joining us and please eat to your heart's content!" Minho placed his arm around my waist and smiled fondly as our pack moved inside.

"I'm so proud of you." I almost teared up as I looked at Minho. "You've trained your entire life for this moment and finally you get to show what you're made of."

He looked back at me. "We get to show what we're made of. Don't forget that you're my mate and you have as much power and responsibility as I do."

I nodded. "I know."

Hyunjin came over to us with Seungmin perched on his back. "Shall we join the feast?"

"I will soon, I just want to stay outside for a few more minutes." Minho glanced around at the empty field and into the surrounding forest. 

"We'll see you inside then." Hyunjin turned and Seungmin gave us a wave before they disappeared along with the others.

"Are you okay Min? I sense you're... lonely? No, worried?" I tried to determine what he was feeling through the bond.

He sighed. "I'm fine Ji, I just wish my father hadn't died so soon. I wish he could have handed over his title himself and watched me become alpha."

I snuggled into his side. "I understand, but he's definitely proud of you. He doesn't need to be here for you to know that he's routing for his son. He trusted you with so much from a young age - he did a good job raising you."

He nodded. "I'm proud to be his son, I won't let him down."

I twisted around to place a kiss on his lips. My heart swelled with so much pride and happiness of how far we'd come and how much further we have to go.

We pulled away and stood silently gazing upwards for a few moments before a shooting star flew by so close that it lit up the sky.

"Hey Jisung look! A shooting star!" Minho said excitedly.

I smiled and held onto his hand. "That's a sign from your father that he's watching you. He loves you Minho."

A/N: And it's finally over :')

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