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Jisung's POV

"You need to reject him and kill him!"

"I can't! I won't-"

"Han Jisung!" my father yelled, his eyes full of anger. "I don't give a flying fuck if he's your mate or not. He's a bad person, an animal and he deserves to die!"

I cowered slightly at his words. No, my mate couldn't be a bad person - there's no way I'd be paired to a person like that.

"I'm only given one chance at a mate." I said quietly. "If I kill him... I won't have a special bond with the person I do end up with."

"Vampires aren't supposed to have mates." he snapped. "You were unlucky to be mated to a werewolf, you'd be better off with another vampire."

"Like you and mum?!" I snapped back. "I see the way you two fight and I sure as hell do not want to end up like that."

His eyes glowed a dangerous red. "If you don't kill him, I'll make sure to kill him myself... in the most painful way possible."

"NO!" I sat up straight, sweat making my fringe stick to my forehead as I panted heavily.

It was just a dream.

"Jisung?" Minho sat up and rubbed my back comfortingly. "Nightmare?"

I nodded weakly as I looked at his concerned expression.

"Want to talk about it?"

"It was just a stupid dream." I laughed nervously. "About ghosts and shit."

He raised an eyebrow. "I would have thought as you're a vampire you wouldn't be scared of things like that..."

"I'm a coward."

As long as he doesn't find out the truth, I can put myself down all I want.

He scoffed but let it go. "Hungry? I sure am."

I nodded. "Very."

He stood and stretched. "Come, I'll show you to the dining hall and then I'll show you around the grounds later."

I paused. "Won't there be... people?"

"No it's completely deserted." he deadpanned. "Of course there will be pack members roaming around but you're with me so there's nothing to worry about."

I stood up slowly, unsure if I should run away right there and then or go with him.

He didn't give me time to think too much though since he grabbed my hand, winked at me and pulled me along with him.

"Good morning Hyunjin." Minho greeted as we walked past a person in the corridor.

"Morning." Hyunjin stared at me.

"Hyunjin is my best friend." Minho informed me as we continued walking. "He'll be my beta when I become alpha."

I nodded and stiffened when we entered a room that smelt strongly of wolves.

"This is the dining hall, all members of the pack usually eat together at meal times."

We sat at a table with a few other people and without fail they all turned to stare at me.

"Is this your mate darling?" one of the females asked.

"Yeah mum, this is Jisung."

She smiled kindly. "Nice to meet you dear."

"Nice t-to meet you too." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

"So that's what the horrible smell is." I overheard someone from a different table say. 

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now