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Jisung's POV

"Are you serious?" I scoffed. "You capture a vampire and ask me if I know him? Do you know how many vampires there are in the world?"

Minho didn't bat an eyelash and continued to stare at me.

"I just thought since you both were around the same area, you'd know each other?" he raised a perfectly sculpted brow. 

I gulped and glanced at Seungmin before answering. "I don't know who he is."

"I'll have to go back to torturing him then."

"Go ahead." my voice wobbled slightly and I felt extremely guilty but I would be useless if I ended up in chains too.

Hyunjin rubbed his hands together nervously. 

"Can I... talk to him?" he asked Minho. "Maybe I can get information out of him."

Minho pondered for a few seconds and then eventually nodded. "I trust you Hyunjin but if I find out he's 'escaped' then I'm sure you know you won't be my beta any more." 

"I know." Hyunjin replied seriously.

I tried to communicate my thoughts to Seungmin through my eyes as I internally begged him not to say anything. 

"Jisung." I looked back over at Minho who was waiting next to the door.

I hurriedly went to him before I did anything stupid. 

As soon as we got back up to fresh air he turned to me with a smile. His expression no longer held any suspicion or annoyance, he just looked at me with happiness.

"You were quick." he grinned. "I wasn't expecting you back for at least a few days."

"I missed you too much." I said, which wasn't a complete lie.

His expression turned serious for a second before placing his hands on either side of my face. I turned bright red as we were outside and anyone could be looking at us right now.

"Do you want to complete the mating bond?"

I almost choked on my own saliva and pulled away from him with my heart beating rapidly.

"What?!" I coughed out with wide eyes.

"You said you missed me, so are you saying you want to formally be my mate?"

"Wha- this is too soon!" I waved my hands about wildly and took a step backwards.

He nodded. "That's okay, I can wait."

He turned and started walking back towards the building where his room was.

"What does completing the mating bond mean?" I asked curiously.

He didn't bother to hide the smirk on his face as he opened the door to his room and waited for me to enter.

He locked the door then turned to look at me. I stepped backwards with every step he took forwards and let out a small gasp as my back hit the wall behind me.

"You want to know what it means?" he murmured as his lips brushed against my neck briefly.

I moaned out a yes weakly and rolled my eyes back as he placed one hand on the back of my neck, while the other hand rested on my waist.

"In order for you to be mine I must bite your neck." his tongue flicked out onto a weak spot on my neck. "Then we'd mate together to fully complete the bond."

He pulled away and stared at me intensely.

"M-mate together...?" I breathed out.

"I think you know what that means baby." his eyes moved down to my lips.

"Minho." I protested weakly.

I tried not to let the lust cloud my judgement. If I mated with him then I wouldn't be able to keep secrets from him any longer, and it was too dangerous to reveal my identity right now.

He moved away slightly. "I don't expect you to mate with me straight away Jisung. We can half complete the bond and do the rest some other time."

I shook my head. "I'm not ready."

His eyes showed disappointment and he pursed his lips. "I understand, the pull isn't as strong for you as it is for me. I'm barely holding myself back from marking you."

"What does it feel like?" I asked gently.

"Amazing." his demeanour brightened slightly. "The feeling of being near my mate, of having someone by my side forever. I was worried I wouldn't find my mate until I became leader of the pack but that weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"What if we aren't compatible?"

"We're mated for a reason. Either to learn a lesson or to do something great together. I can only hope it's the latter." 

Guilt flooded through my entire body and it took everything I had to not cry out and tell him the truth.

"So Jisung." his words made me turn my attention back to him. "This is my third time asking but... when will I meet your family?"

I averted my gaze quickly. "Umm..."

"You did talk to them about me right?"

"Of course! I just-"

"Are they disappointed?"

"No Minho, they said they'd be here in a few weeks. I don't know when exactly but they'll be here." I said and immediately regretted it when his eyes lit up.

They would be here... but for the sole reason of killing him. I would have to warn him somehow without letting him know my secret.

I wanted to disappear at the thought of how much of a mess this was.

"Fantastic." he grinned. 

"I am curious though, how come I haven't seen your dad?"

"Oh he's busy." Minho's smile dropped. "Alpha stuff."

I peered at him. "Does he not like the thought of his son being mated to a vampire?"

Minho sighed, suddenly looking tired. "You could say that."

"Sorry." I blurted out.

"What are you sorry for baby?" his eyes softened and he stroked my cheek with his hand.

"For being a vampire and for not being good enough for your dad."

"Don't be sorry." he rejected my apology. "You're good enough for me and that's all that matters."

For a soon-to-be alpha he was too trusting, and that made me worried. How was he going to lead his pack when he doesn't even know he has a traitor next to him?

"What's going to happen to Se- the vampire you caught?" I asked him.

His eyes grew dark. "We'll wait to see what he has to say first. Depending on what he says he'll either be executed, kept as prisoner until he spills all his secrets or..."

"Or..?" I prompted.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes wearily. "I hate having so much responsibility sometimes, it's hard to separate my personal feelings with what is best for the pack."

"Are you thinking about Hyunjin?"

He nodded. "That vampire is his mate, which just seems like a massive coincidence to me that we both found our mates on the same day and you both happen to be vampires. He'll be devastated if I order his death and he might die of heartbreak."

"Is that even possible?!" I widened my eyes in shock.

"I told you we feel the bond very intensely and if our mate dies or rejects us, we'll feel like there's nothing worth living for."

He lifted his eyes to mine. "So please don't leave me before I have time to mark you. I'd rather die than live without you."

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now