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Jisung's POV

A flustered Felix and Changbin turned up to briefing with just a minute to spare.

"How'd it go?" I whispered to Felix as he took a seat beside me.

He blushed and looked down at his lap. "He agreed to give me a chance."

"That's amazing news." I beamed and Seungmin did a silent cheer next to me.

We were sat at the front of the room, despite my protests that I was fine with being at the back of the room - Minho wanted us at the front.

"Hey Ji, do you know who his mate is?" Chan leaned around Seungmin and pointed to BamBam who was standing in front of us.

"He doesn't have one as far as I know." I looked at him and took note as his expression changed from curiosity to relief and back to curiosity.

"So he hasn't found a mate yet or did he lose him or her..?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know Chan, why don't you talk to him and find out."

Minho sent me a wink before calling for attention and beginning the briefing. It basically entailed when the pack believed the vampires would arrive, how many there would be and best tactics to counter their attack.

After Minho and a few other wolves from the pack had finished talking, the pink haired wolf from the MX pack who I found out was named Kihyun, went up to the front to say his part.

"As you all know Hyunwoo was almost taken from us by a vampire a couple weeks ago." Kihyun paused to pierce Seungmin with his gaze.

Seungmin shrank down in his seat slightly and I knew he regretted coming along.

"This vampire was unarmed apart from his teeth, which could rip out a wolf's throat if said wolf is not expecting an attack. However we are prepared to fight hundreds of vampires so this should not be a problem. We assume they will bring hand held weapons to the fight as they cannot possibly fight all of us unarmed."

An uneasy murmur rolled through the crowd at Kihyun's words and I knew what he was saying was true because I had trained for moments like this, except previously I was on the vampire's side.

"Make sure they don't have access to your chest and neck if possible, as that's where they could deliver the fatal blow."

"Thank you for that Kihyun." Minho stepped forward. "We will provide training after a short break, please meet in the courtyard in around 15 minutes."

Chatter filled the room as the wolves slowly dispersed. Our mates immediately came forward and joined us.

Minho put his arm around my waist and smirked at Changbin who was attempting to awkwardly talk to Felix.

"Is Felix ignoring Changbin for revenge or something?" Minho whisper chuckled in my ear as we watched Felix try to keep a straight face.

"Yeah but I have a feeling Felix will give in soon, he can't hold a grudge for long."

Sure enough Felix cracked a smile and blushed at whatever Changbin was saying to him. Changbin placed a kiss on his cheek with a triumphant smile before realising we were watching him.

"What?" Changbin tried to put on a serious expression but he failed miserably.

"About time." Minho said bluntly. "Glad you two are getting along now."

"Yeah well." Changbin coughed. "Felix convinced me."

Felix poked Changbin's side and raised an eyebrow.

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now