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Jisung's POV

"I understand all of you wish to mourn the wolves that lost their lives today." Minho began as he addressed the audience in front of us. "However I must bring up a serious issue that occurred just a couple hours ago."

His face darkened and he raised his voice slightly. "I know not everyone is comfortable with there being four vampires in this pack, but you must accept them as one of us whether you like it or not. Today Felix was injured by a wolf and I do not know if this was an intentional attack or a mistake, but I'd like the wolf responsible to own up."

There was silence throughout the room and no one dared move a muscle in case it was brought to Minho's attention.

"Why don't you just ask Felix who attacked him?" a wolf in the crowd scoffed. "If it was intentional then there's no way the wolf will confess."

Minho fixed his sharp gaze on the wolf that had spoken and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm giving this wolf a chance to speak up. Felix isn't in any position to be with us right now but if the person responsible comes forward on his own then I'll make sure the punishment isn't as harsh."

"Why are you the one making the decisions?" a different wolf from another pack asked. "You're not the alpha, you're only the alpha's son."

Minho growled lowly, his eyes immediately changing colour. "We run things differently around here, my father entrusted me with a lot of his duties so I won't be a complete failure when I do eventually become alpha."

"Minho is more than capable of making important decisions." Hyunjin snapped in Minho's defence. "We're one of the strongest packs in the capital, that definitely says a lot about how successful our way of doing things around here is."

The wolf shrunk down and averted his eyes from the fuming Minho.

"That's right, my son has definitely shown that he has the necessary qualities to take over my position as alpha in the future."

I turned around with wide eyes and a quiet gasp as a young looking man walked towards us. He held my gaze for a few moments before looking at Minho.

"I'm proud of you Minho." he placed a hand on Minho's shoulder and then turned to lock eyes with me once again. "And I apologise for being so closed minded previously about vampires."

I bowed slightly in acceptance of his apology. I was shocked that his father was apologising to me and that he was possibly accepting me as his son's mate.

The alpha's gaze swept over the crowd as the wolves muttered uncomfortably among themselves.

"Do not question Minho's capability of running this pack correctly. I have full faith that he will provide the correct punishment to the wolf responsible for attacking one of our pack members."

From the side I could see Minho holding back a smile at his father's words. Through the bond I could feel his happiness and relief and I hoped he could feel how proud I was.

"Whoever is responsible for the attack on the vampire may come forward after the meeting if they do not want to reveal who they are to the whole room. On another note I want to thank everyone for helping us fight against the vampires, we dealt a crushing defeat and they'll be sure to think twice before crossing our paths in the future."

Minho nodded at his father's words. "The quicker the wolf owns up, the quicker you may return home and bury your dead. You're dismissed."

The alpha immediately turned to me and held out his hand as the wolves filtered from the room.

"I don't think I have formally introduced myself. I am Alpha Lee, Minho's father... your soon to be father in law."

I gulped and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Alpha, I'm Jisung."

"Father in law! Oh my God!" Minho shouted in my head which made me force myself to keep a straight face as I listened to what his father was saying.

"I have to admit I was worried about Minho's ability to run the pack with a vampire by his side but it seems as if he knows the good vampires from the bad vampires. You are clearly a good influence on him and a very valuable ally, I'm happy to have you as a future son in law."

"Thank you sir." I blushed.

He grinned and patted my back. "Well boys I must get back to my work but keep me in the loop about who attacked Felix and amazing work today by the way."

"I will, thanks dad." Minho hugged his father and watched as he strode away.

"Was that really your father?" Hyunjin joked. "He seems like a completely different person."

"I know right." Minho was still staring blankly. "I'm so shocked."

I nudged him. "I told you I could get him to accept me."

He suddenly grabbed my arm and smashed his lips to mine. Despite our audience I responded by placing my hands on his waist and kissing him back.

He pulled away breathlessly. "I fucking love you."

"Fucking hell get a room." Chan chuckled.

"I love you too baby." I said softly.

"I'm so happy right now I could scream." Minho laughed, his eyes shining brightly.

"How about you leave the screaming for later?" I winked.

He squeezed my arm. "You're the one who's going to be screaming Ji."

"Even Seungmin and I don't talk about things like that in public despite having an active sex life." Hyunjin said in mock disgust.

"Hyunjin!" Seungmin hid his face in his hands.

Hyunjin hugged his mate from behind. "Don't be shy Seungminnie."

"Should we go visit Felix?" Seungmin changed the subject after shaking his head in embarrassment.

Minho nodded. "Yeah and if he's awake he might be able to tell us which wolf attacked him."

"Don't you think it's strange how no one has come forward?" Chan said as we began walking to Changbin's room. "Anyone could have snitched on the wolf that attacked Felix but all of them have remained silent."

"There's no way at least one person didn't see who it was." I agreed.

"Hmm yes that is a bit strange." Minho said.

"Is there a possibility said wolf doesn't know they attacked Felix? They might have thought they were attacking just another vampire." Seungmin suggested.

"That's another possibility." Hyunjin nodded.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon." Minho breathed out. "BamBam just mind linked me to say a wolf wanted to talk to me. He's most likely going to confess to hurting Felix."

"When are you meeting him?" I asked.

"He'll be coming to Changbin's room so soon I suppose."

"Are you sure it's a smart move for him to be near Felix?"

"I'm offended Ji." Minho rolled his eyes. "You don't think I can fend off one wolf?"

"Good point."

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now