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Jisung's POV

I must have fallen asleep because next thing I knew I was woken up when someone put their arm around my waist.

I flinched and stood up quickly. I didn't have any trouble seeing in the dark thanks to my useful vampire ability of enhanced eyesight. 

Minho blinked up at me from the bed. 

"Lie with me." he said gently and patted the spot I occupied a few seconds ago.

I hesitated before lying down facing him.

He smiled softly. "You didn't leave."

It wasn't a question but I nodded anyway. "Of course."

"Why?" his eyes were filled with curiosity. 

I bit my lip. "I don't know... I'm fascinated by you."

He smirked. "Or were you scared of my threat?"

I glared at him playfully. "You wouldn't hurt your own mate."

He closed his eyes and rested his hand on my waist. "I would have to if you disobeyed me. Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you're immune to my power as an alpha."

"Power as an alpha." I mocked. "You're not even an alpha yet, you're an alpha's son."

"I'm still considered an alpha, just not leader of the pack yet."

"You won't have an heir." I stated bluntly.

He opened his eyes. "We can sort things out later. There's a reason the Moon Goddess paired me with another male, and I'll accept whoever she gives me. Whoever you turn out to be."

Will you really accept me when you find out I was sent to kill you?

"What were you doing in my room in the first place?" he suddenly asked sharply making my heartbeat race rapidly. 

"I was lost... and just wandering around." I blurted out in hopes he would believe me.

His eyes softened after a while. "Well it's a good thing you happened to get lost in my room."

"Yeah." I breathed out in relief.

"I didn't imagine meeting my mate this way but I don't mind so much about you being a vampire." he moved forward slightly.


"If you hated me then you'd have left already. At least I know you're not one of those psycho vampires who hate and kill wolves."

The breath got caught in my throat at his last words and I started to cough.

He pulled away slightly with a concerned expression. "Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine." I choked out finally when I'd finished coughing.

"I forgot to add that you're kinda cute, you remind me of a squirrel."

Was this really the person I'd been sent to kill? He wasn't anything like the description I'd been given.


A killer.

An ugly beast who won't hesitate to rip the throat out of his enemies.

I cleared my throat as I realised Minho was waiting for me to speak.

"How will your pack react to you having a vampire as a mate?" I asked timidly.

"Some of them already know."

"What?!" I whisper-shouted.

"They smelt you at the same time I did. Except I knew it was the scent of my mate so I stopped them from hunting you down."

So that's why no one came after me.

It also means they'll know who the culprit is if I kill him.

"And they're okay with that?"

He shrugged. "They'll learn to be okay with it. As their future alpha they either must accept my mate or get lost."

"So charming." my mouth twitched upwards into a smile at his fierce loyalty towards his mate.

"When do I get to meet the parents of my beautiful mate?" he pushed the hair out of my eyes, luckily not noticing how quickly the smile dropped from my face.

"I-I'll have to go back and talk to them first."

"Okay." he smiled. "At least you didn't refuse this time."

I let out a huge sigh and rolled onto my back. "Minho I-"

"Your parents don't happen to belong to the cult that goes around killing the next-in-line alphas, do they?"

I snapped my head to the side and realised he was grinning. 

He was teasing me.


"Good because I don't feel like locking my mate up as prisoner and killing his family." 

His words made me squirm uncomfortably and I tried my best to make my laugh sound as genuine as possible.

"I'll never betray you." I said before I could think properly. 

He rested his head on my shoulder, making me instinctively inhale his scent and melt into the comfortable feeling of being beside my mate.

"Let's sleep." he murmured sleepily. "We can talk more in the morning."

I laid quietly listening to his breathing and soft snores. There was no way someone who looked this innocent while sleeping could be a murderer. 

"I don't want to kill you." I whispered quietly as I ran my fingers through his hair and ended up resting my hand on his torso.

He moved suddenly and I watched as he snuggled closer into my side and wrapped his arm around my body.

"I found my mate." he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

His lips were turned upwards into a smile as he continued to sleep, making my heart pang slightly at the thought of having to kill the adorable boy.

One thought was stopping me from elongating my fangs and sinking them into his neck. 

If I killed him then I'd be just as bad as him. 

I'd be a murderer.

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now