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Jisung's POV

Minho wasn't at breakfast the next morning either. I searched the dining hall for him but he was nowhere to be seen. I sat down next to Seungmin as usual and stared at the food - I wasn't hungry.

"Something wrong?" Seungmin asked me innocently as he sipped his water.

I glanced at Hyunjin briefly, wondering if Minho had told him what had happened. He didn't give any sign of knowing who I was though as he shovelled food into his mouth.

"Minho's not here." I replied sadly and poured cereal into my bowl. I began to pick at the flakes and eat them slowly, not bothering with the milk.

"He's probably welcoming the new wolves into the pack." Hyunjin mumbled. "Which reminds me I should be with him..."

He placed a kiss on Seungmin's cheek before hopping up from his seat. "I'll see you later cutie."

Seungmin blushed and gave a small wave, his whipped ass watched Hyunjin as he walked from the room.

"Did you and Minho have a lovers' quarrel?" Seungmin teased.

"Even worse." I flicked a flake of cereal towards Changbin.

"There's only one thing worse that I can think of and I'm pretty sure it's not-"

"It is." I face planted onto the table, narrowly missing the cereal bowl.

"What?!" he hissed and leaned closer. "Jisung - did you tell him?"

"He was about to rip my face off, I had to tell him." I hissed back.

"How did he find out?"

"I accidentally dropped a photo I had of him and it was found by the wolf that cleaned his room." I groaned. "He was livid."

"I'm curious as to why he didn't throw you into the cellar they kept me in before."

"I told him he could mark me in order to find out my true intentions but he refused." I winced. "His wolf hates me."

"He can't stay away from you for too long. He'll be craving your presence, well- as long as he's similar to Hyunjin." he blushed. "I've never met such a clingy person."

"You're making me jealous." I huffed as I wanted nothing more than to have Minho by my side again. "You're missing something important though - if Minho tells Hyunjin about me... Hyunjin might start to suspect you too."

We both snapped our heads up at the same time to look at the doorway where our mates stood with two other wolves.

Minho clapped his hands to gain the attention of his pack, while his eyes bore a hole in my head.

"Everyone this is Wyatt and Laun, the wolves from the ONF pack. Just as my father said yesterday... make sure they feel welcome."

The four wolves made their way over to our table, the smaller of the two new wolves clung onto the arm of the taller wolf.

Instead of sitting next to me, Minho sat opposite alongside Laun and Wyatt while Hyunjin resumed his place next to Seungmin.

"As you can see by the presence of two vampires, things are a little different around here." Minho said and the wolves shifted nervously.

"This is my mate." Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Seungmin's waist.

"And the other vampire..?" Wyatt, the taller wolf questioned when Minho didn't speak up.

"Oh that's Jisung, my er-" he coughed. "My mate."

Both wolves nodded and didn't question Minho's strange behaviour.

I felt happy that Minho still referred to me as his mate, but at the same time I was hurting because Minho refused to look me in the eye.

"So why are you here?" I asked them.

I yelped when I was kicked under the table and glared at Minho while rubbing my shin.

"That's an insensitive question." he gritted his teeth.

"Oops?" I shot him a fake smile before lowering my voice. "It's insensitive how you've been ignoring me, can't you just act normal?"

"Act normal?" he whispered back with an angry expression. "You literally told me something last night that changed everything."

"What did it change, huh? I told you I have no interest in killing you!"

We didn't notice the stares of everyone sitting at our table as we continued our heated argument. Eventually we both stood up at the same time in anger, he knocked his drink over by accident and I spilt my cereal onto the table.

We panted heavily while glaring at each other before the sound of someone clearing their throat brought us back to reality.

"Hyunjin I'm going to need you to bring me all documents we have on vampire clans." Minho growled out. "We're going to do some planning."

"Sure." Hyunjin shifted his eyes between us curiously.

"Wyatt and Laun, I apologise for Jisung's rude question - I must get going but please let me or Hyunjin know if you need anything." he continued to glare at me. "You're coming with me, mate."

Minho didn't bother to wait for me to agree. He began walking towards the door and after an eye roll I eventually followed him out.

We walked for a while until we reached his office. Stacks of papers were on his desk while the bin overflowed with more paper.

"There's rubbish everywhere, don't you ever clean this place?" I remarked.

He shot me a glare. "Maybe I should clean it, that way I might be able to find an important piece of evidence."

"Ouch." I muttered. "Where did you go last night?"

He slammed his fist onto the table. "Stop talking as if we're on good terms, my wolf hates you remember?"

"A wolf could never hate his or her mate." I stated boldly. "It's usually the human side that does the hating."

He stared at me with wide eyes for a few seconds. "You're not a wolf so you don't understand."

"And you're not a vampire so you don't understand how I feel either."

"What is there to understand?" he scoffed. "You were brought up hating wolves, I was brought up training to defend my pack against rogues and vampires. In my eyes, you're the bad person here."

"How am I the bad person?!" I let out an annoyed laugh. "You kill other wolves in cold blood and you're saying I'm in the wrong?"

"WE KILL TO PROTECT THE PACK!" he yelled. "You don't have pack mentality so you don't know what it feels like to look out for one another. If anyone is a threat then we'll kill them, especially vampires who kill us for no reason."

I balled my hands into fists. "I had a reason to kill you, and I already told you I have no interest in doing it any more! Ugh you're so frustrating!"

"Why don't you want to kill me any more?" he taunted. "I know how annoyed you are and it'll be much easier if you just kill me and disappear back to your happy little family."

"BECAUSE I KNOW YOU'RE NOT A BAD PERSON AND I JUST WANT THE OLD MINHO BACK!" I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes but I held them back. I wasn't going to show him how much this bothered me.

"Old Minho is gone." he said quietly and averted his gaze.

"I don't believe that." I grit my teeth.

"Well you better believe it because I've realised I was too trusting with you. You warned me and I didn't listen, but now I know why you said I shouldn't trust so easily."

"Minho please..." I cried out, wanting to badly to just hug him and shake him until the Minho I once knew came back.

He stared at me coldly. "When Hyunjin brings the documents I want you to tell me all you know about the plans of your vampire clan. We're going to plan an ambush and kill everyone, and when we're done... that's when I'll decide if I want you by my side or not."

Mates or Enemies ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now