2 "After all, we are friends,"

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I spent over three hours in the hospital just to find out that nothing had happened to me. I was hungry, tired and cold.

"I could eat a horse," I murmured as I got into my car.

"Do you want to go to Pop's?" he asked, and I nodded.

"I would love to," I murmured with a smile. "But take take-away food, I will not go to a restaurant like that," I added and looked at my dress.

"Of course, as you wish" FP smiled at me and looked at me.

"Something happened?" I asked.

"No why?"

"Because you look at me, I'm dirty somewhere?" I asked and looked in the mirror.

"No, just ... I'm just glad he didn't hurt you so much," he said with a smile, and I nodded.

"Go now, FP. I'm starving," I whispered and clutched my stomach.

FP parked in the parking lot and went to order food. I stayed alone in his car, so I decided to look for some interesting music on the radio. I jumped through the channels until I suddenly heard a strange crash on the roof of the car. I swallowed and sat upright in the seat. I looked ahead and silently counted from one to ten to calm down. Suddenly I noticed a trickle of red liquid flowing on the windshield. I took a deep breath and walked out of the car to see what it was. I looked at the roof of the car and shouted loudly. On the roof of the car was cut off deer's head.

It couldn't be a coincidence. She could not find it here. I fell to the ground and started to cry. I looked into the eyes of this wounded and murdered animal and I woke up.

"Hey, Alice!" I heard FP's voice, and then I felt someone tugging at my arm.

I opened my eyes and looked at FP. I was in the car. There was no blood on the windshield of the car. So it was a dream.

"I have food," he said, and I nodded.

"Great" I answered stiffly, still thinking about my dream.

"Are you happy, FP?" I asked when I finished eating a hamburger. "Because you don't look like You're happy," I added and looked at him.

His face faded. I saw that he was fighting with something inside. I wanted to know what was bothering him.

"And what about you? Are you happy?" he returned my gaze.

"I'm not and you know that." I replied. "I don't remember the last time I was happy," I sighed heavily. "Well, maybe I was happy a few minutes ago because I had food" I laughed sadly.

"Sometimes people make mistakes they regret," he said.

He raised his hand and pulled a strand of hair behind my ear. I held my breath when I felt his touch on my skin.

"People learn from their mistakes," I said and swallowed. His hand touched my hair all the time.

"It doesn't work with me. I'm constantly making the same mistakes and I'm not taking any lessons out of them completely," he whispered and moved closer to me.

"Maybe you don't want to get any lessons from them?" I asked and my voice shook.

A shiver ran down my spine as his hand began to sketch patterns on my neck.

"Alice, what is this conversation about?" he asked, and I sighed quietly.

"We have to go," I said quiet, ignoring his question.

What would I say? That I wanted to know if he is happy with Gladys? Does he really love her?

"It's past midnight. Betty will be worried," I added. He cleared his throat and stepped away from me.

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