11 "Ropes will tight up and cut your skin"

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When Fred and Hermione came, FP woke me up.

"How much did I sleep?" I asked quietly, rubbing my eyes.

"About two hours," he answered and kissed me on the forehead. "I hope you rested a bit?" he asked, and I nodded. I smiled.


"That's good," he murmured.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Hermione said and sat next to me.

"Hey." I murmured and sat down on the bed.

"What are we doing today?" Fred sat on a chair and looked at us.

"Maybe we will play in a bottle?" I asked. I had to do what Hal had asked me to do.

"In a bottle?" Fred asked. "It's for children!" he added, and I rolled my eyes.

"In a stripped bottle," I smiled suggestively.

Suddenly, we heard a crack and young woman scream. After a moment, outside the window, we saw the falling body of a young man. I held my breath and ran to the window. The boy lay with his head to the ground, and there was blood around him.

"Oh my God!" I screamed.

"Who could do something like that?" Hermione asked and shook her head.

"I'll go find out something more about it," said FP, and got out of bed.

"I'll go with you" Fred also got up and they left together.

"I'm scared, Hermione," I murmured in a low voice and looked at her. She shook her head and hugged me tightly.

"Come. We will sit on the bed and we won't look at it. FP will take care of it if it's necessary," she added, and I sighed heavily.

"I thought I would spend some time with FP, but I was wrong," I shook my head. "It's funny. He has a wife, he has children, and I'm just a lover," I snorted and shook my head.

"He loves you," Hermione whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, for sure" I laughed and got out of bed. "Let's go find out what happened" I added and left the room.

After a few hours, it became clear that the girl had gagged with her boyfriend, there was a struggle and he fell out the window. I didn't know if it was true, but that was the official version.

I met FP, Fred and Hermioneme outside and we went to the lake. We sat on the blanket.

"I'm glad we're here together," I said and looked at my phone. I got a new message from Hal.

'Time is running out. Hal'

I know it!

"Me too," Hermione said.

"Fred, you are so silent. Did something happen?" I asked and she shook her head.


"Okay, I'm sick of this show" I got up and looked at them.

I had to take a chance to find out if this trip wasn't another trick of Hal.

"Fred, you don't play any game shows, you do not take part in competitions, so how could you win the trip? Maybe it was Hal's idea?"I looked at him and then at Hermione.

"The two of you aren't even together. Let's face it. You can feel something to yourself, but I don't think it's so strong to go together for the weekend," the anger boiled in me.

"Alice, what nonsense!" Hermione shouted, and I shook my head.

"This isn't nonsense. He wanted you here. He is playing with your feelings" I said. "How long do you play this fucking game?" I asked and looked at Fred and Hermione. "It was all arranged," I added and shook my head. "Did you know that?" I looked hard at FP and he shook his head.

"No, I swear," he said. "You know, that I wanted to come with you to spend some time together" he wanted to touch me, but I moved away.

"Spend some time and then come back to your wife?"

"She's not in Riverdale!"

"So you can sleep with everyone, and when she come back you will be an exemplary husband, and I ... And you will forget about me completely" I sighed quietly and wiped a tear from my eye.

"Alice" FP again wanted to touch me, but I moved away from him.

"after everything that I went through ... I thought I had friends at last," I sighed. "How could I be so wrong" I shook my head and ran to the hotel.

I had to get to the room as soon as possible, but unfortunately I felt pain in the occiput area and lost consciousness.

The headache was unbearable. I slowly opened my eyes, but I saw everything through the fog. I was in some strange, dark room. The only lighting was an old bulb hanging from the ceiling.

I wanted to move, but I couldn't, because my hands and legs were tied to the chair. I wanted to shout, but I had an adhesive tape on my lipa. I could not breathe!

I blinked my eyes a few times to sharpen the picture. My hands were bound with thick ropes. There was no chance that I would free myself, despite that I tried to struggle. After a moment, someone entered the room. I looked ahead and opened my eyes wide. I tried to make a sound, I wanted to shout. My biggest nightmare has returned.

"Don't tug yourself. Ropes will tight up and cut your skin, which we don't want yet, it will be the last thing I will do to you," Harold said, and I swallowed.

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