Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

Hi everyone this is my first time writing so I know there are mistakes but just bare with me. I will edit when i finish the book. I would love for feedback :)



There is supposed to be nothing stronger than a family bond. Whoever said that didn’t live in a time where if hurting your family made you cool and part of the popular crowed well screw family. Maybe I should start from the beginning my name is Aria and this is my story.

Chapter 1

 “Cole, get your ass out of bed now and try not to dress gay and embarrass us again.” This is what I woke up to Monday morning. Why can’t they just accept him and leave him alone. “Aria get up its time for our first day of high school at the new school” says Nick. “I’m up and leave Cole alone!” I hear a bunch of mumbles.

10 minutes later I am out of the shower and standing in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear. “Cole, come help me pick out what to wear please” I say.

 “Coming” he says just loud enough for me to hear. I hear the door open so I turn around and look to see him enter and he’s wearing one of the outfits I bought him over the weekend.

“Wow someone is looking sexy for school” I say while smiling at him.

He looks at me smiles and says” It’s all thanks to my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister dork” I laugh. “Help me pick out my outfit I don’t know if I should wear my Hollywood Undead shirt or my San Jose Sharks shirt with my black skinnies.”

“Save your Sharks shirt till Friday when the first preseason game is.”

“See this is why I ask you for help” I say as he laughs at me. After getting dressed we head down stairs to meet the rest of our brothers so we can walk to school.

 You are probably wondering how many of us are there. Well there are 7 of us. Seth, Nick, and I are triplets, Travis and Cole are twins, and Carter and Trent are twins. We were born to 3 different families on the same day. Seth, Travis, & Carter were born first 5 minutes later came Nick, Cole, & Trent and last but not least came me; our families were best friends. I say were as in past tense because our mothers died after child birth due to loss of blood so that left us with just our fathers and then our fathers disappeared on our 7th birthday.

Now our 7th birthday was a major thing for us because we are not regular humans we are a mix of things humans believe are myths. Trent & Carter are a half vampire and half werewolf hybrid, Cole & Travis are a half werecat & demon hybrid, and Seth, Nick, and I are a quarter vampire, quarter demon, and half shape shifter hybrid. Now the difference between being just a werecat or werewolf and being a shape shifter is a shape shifter can change into multiple animals. Our 7th birthday was the day of our changes meaning we all shifted for the first time and came into some other special gifts I’ll tell you about a little later. Anyways like I was saying we shifted for the first time it was the most painful thing we had ever been through all our bones were breaking and reassembling themselves.

After the shift we spent a little time running around in our other forms Nick’s main animal is a lion, Seth’s main animal is a large black with blue tint wolf, Carter is a large dark brown wolf, Trent is a large blonde wolf, Travis is a large leopard, Cole is a large panther, and my main animal is a medium sized white tiger or medium sized white wolf I am smaller than male shifters but larger than all female shifters and I am also always white no matter what animal I chose to shift into. Yeah that’s right I am the odd ball but hey that just means I’m special.

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